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World Unite! in Tanzania

Coronavirus! Travelling to Tanzania is currently possible and important! Please read our article about Corona Safety in Tanzania and Zanzibar.
Tanzania is located in East Africa, a little south of the equator. Tanzania is one of Africa's most interesting destinations: famous attractions of Tanzania are Mt. Kilimanjaro - the highest mountain of Africa, the Serengeti - one of the most important wildlife reserves of the world, the natural wonder Ngorongoro Crater, and the exotic tropical spice island of Zanzibar in the Indian Ocean.
Our main locations in Tanzania are Moshi/Kilimanjaro In the Kilimanjaro region, Dar-es-Salaam, the largest city of Tanzania, and Mwanza in Victoria. One of our main sites is also Zanzibar, which we speak about separately in our website. Other locations are Karatu, Ngorongoro and Sanya Juu, West Kilimanjaro. We also offer projects in the wildlife reserve of Tsavo, Kenya, near the Tanzanian border.
The airports Kilimanjaro (JRO), Dar-es-Salaam (DAR) and Zanzibar (ZNZ) are relatively easy to reach with direct flights or one flight change from Europe. In addition, there are relatively inexpensive and reliable domestic flight connections in Tanzania.
Tanzania is considered a politically stable and safe country. Even as a woman alone, there is no increased security risk, if you follow some basic rules. National languages ​​are Swahili and English.

Locations in Tanzania  



Check out our video on Moshi!

In this video, tourism intern Iris and our team member Adelina show us around Moshi Town and the surrounding areas. Adelina and Themi, two of our coordinators, introduce themselves. We also meet the volunteers Pia, who collaborates with the Social Reality Tour, and Laura in their host family. Coffee Farmer Dennis talks about coffee and we see a few shots from a Maasai Village.

Moshi at Kilimanjaro

Moshi is a town in the north of Tanzania, at the foot of Kilimanjaro. Here, you are in the middle of Africa and deal with people like the Chagga and Maasai. The city has about 150,000 inhabitants; however, it appears - like many African cities - much smaller, owing to the fact that many unplanned settlements are spread over long distances outside the city. Furthermore, the majority of the population do not have the purchasing power that would make transactions comparable to for instance a European city of this size. Nevertheless, Moshi is a relatively well-developed city and all necessities may be found here - from ATMs to specialty stores, restaurants to small supermarkets.
Moshi is the starting point of all Kilimanjaro climbs and many safaris to the Northern National Parks of Tanzania start from here. Kilimanjaro International Airport is about 40 km from Moshi. Tourism and trade of coffee and bananas have contributed to the flourishing of the city.
The city lies at an altitude of 813 m and has a year-round climate that people from moderate climates consider to be very comfortable (compared to the humid heat that often prevails on the coast or on the islands).
HIV and AIDS are the biggest problem - it is estimated that up to 16 % of the population are HIV-positive. The resulting problems are the countless orphans and street children, neglected people of retirement age and sick people, about whom no one cares because of lack of money. The other problems are poverty-related - lack of access to education, health care, infrastructure, and destruction of environmental resources such as deforestation.

Things to do in Moshi

Moshi is conveniently situated for safaris in all the Northern National Parks of Tanzania; you can travel over a weekend (Tarangire, Arusha National Park, Lake Manyara) or a multi-day tour (incl. Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater and Conservation Area, Lake Eyasi, Lake Victoria, Lake Natron). The Kilimanjaro rises directly in front of your door - for a climb you need physical fitness and 5-7 days’ time.
As a day trip, you can visit the Marangu Waterfall and the village of Marangu with coffee plantations, the even higher Materuni waterfall, the Arusha National Park, a Maasai village, Lake Chala, swim in volcanic hot springs and hike on the slopes of Kilimanjaro. In Moshi, there are several cafes, restaurants, internet cafes, bars, discos, swimming pool and even an open- air cinema with karaoke.



Picture Gallery Dar-es-Salaam



Dar-es-Salaam, typically just referred to as "Dar" is the former, but still unofficial capital of Tanzania. The 3 million people metropolis is the country's economic, industrial and trading centre. Dar's port is one of the largest of East Africa. 35 km/25 miles offshore lies the island of Zanzibar, which can be reached easily by ferry from Dar. Dar International Airport (DAR) is the largest airport of Tanzania, bringing many tourists to Dar, to connect to their safaris in Tanzania or beach holidays in Zanzibar.
People take a few days to get accustomed to this busy city; however, after a short time, most of our participants really enjoy "Bongo" town. Bongo means something like "clever", derived from the word "ubongo" which means "brain" in Swahili, asserting the fact that if you want to survive in the third world metropolis, you need some brains, which every "mshamba" (countryside person) should better know when thinking about moving to Dar-es-Salaam. Dar-es-Salaam has an annual population growth of 10%, particularly from people moving from rural regions of Tanzania to the city, settling down at the city's sprawling suburbs. As in many developing countries, the migrants look for a better life in the city - a job with fixed salary, entertainment and "modern life". Despite the city's extremely fast-paced economic development, not everyone can make it.
The city also has its quiet side. There are several parks, most of which were built by the Germans during the colonial era of "German East Africa". In Kigamboni, which can be reached by ferry in a few minutes, and several outlying islands, there are attractive beaches.

Recreational Activities in Dar

Dar has a vivid nightlife which takes place at local bars and Bongo Flava Clubs (East-African Hip Hop) outside the city centre. Kigamboni and several offshore islands boast of attractive beaches. Mikumi National Park, Selous Game Reserve with its mighty Rufiji River, and Saadani National Park can be reached within a few hours, just as the art city Bagamoyo, and Zanzibar.

Mwanza/Lake Victoria


Photo Gallery: Mwanza and Victoria



Mwanza is Tanzania's second largest city. The urban planned city center is relatively modern, with wide streets around the central clock tower. In contrast to Dar-es-Salaam, the city has a relaxed atmosphere. Many residents of Mwanza work in fisheries. Compared to places in Tanzania, where there is more tourism, foreigners are less afflicted by street vendors in Mwanza. The cost of food and local products and services are significantly lower here than in Dar-es-Salaam or Zanzibar.
The region is predominantly Christian, and there are many churches. Many locals, mostly belonging to the Christian group, Sukoma, wear Western clothes, but are conservative. We advise you to dress conservatively and not show too much skin.

Recreational Activities in Mwanza

The area around Mwanza is breathtaking with the Victoria and the mighty rocks, the so-called "Inselbergs" that protrude unexpectedly from the savannah. The "Dancing Rocks" in Bwiru are an attraction; they appear to dance in the changing light and shadows. At sunset, you can watch the local fishermen as they go fishing on the lake in Mwanza.
For anyone interested in nature and especially birds, Mwanza is a paradise. It has a large number of different species of birds such as vultures, kites, ospreys, herons and kingfishers. Since the airline FastJet flies to Mwanza, the number of tourists has increased, coming to the Serengeti ; the western part of the National Park is only about 2 hours away from Mwanza. The previously little-known Rubondo Iceland National Park consists of 12 islands in Lake Victoria. Since there are no roads or vehicles on the island, you can get here only by hiking and boat safaris, during which you can see crocodiles, chimpanzees, monkeys, hippos, antelope and more than 400 species of birds.


We have a dedicated page on Zanzibar!

Other Locations in Tanzania and Kenya


Karatu is a large village in the immediate vicinity of the Ngorongoro Crater. Surrounded by forests, coffee plantations and cattle herds, this site extends over a long distance along the dusty red road connecting Arusha Ngorongoro and Serengeti. All safari tourists who are traveling to the north of Tanzania pass Karatu. Hence, Karatu has experienced in recent years, a revival and development thrust. Some hotels and other services such as restaurants, small supermarkets, Internet cafes and garages have recognized the proximity advantage of Karatu. There are even several ATMs and busy nightlife.
Karatu is also the capital of the larger Ngorongoro/ Lake Eyasi area and has therefore, also shops with products aimed at the rural population. A special attraction is the market in Karatu on 7th of each month, one of the largest markets of Tanzania. Besides, many members of the various tribes of the region such as Maasai and Iraqw Datoga travel to Karatu to sell their products. Part of it is the cattle auction.

Sanya Juu

The village of Sanya Juu has grown significantly since 2010, when the road was paved to reach Boma Ng'ombe. The travel time has since, significantly reduced and has improved access by public transport (Daladala). In half an hour, you reach Ng'ombe in Boma, located midway on the great road between Arusha and Moshi and close to the Kilimanjaro International Airport. So, while you are in the rural areas, you have quick and easy access to larger cities. In Sanya Juu, the commercial center of the Siha District, there are now a variety of small shops where you can buy the most necessary things.
The Siha District is the region between Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru. The region is sparsely populated, mainly by Maasai, who are there with their herds during the rainy season. Wameru and Waarusha are other tribes of the region; they are Maasai, who started with agriculture generations ago.

Tsavo, Kenya

In Tsavo, Kenya, we offer volunteering and internships in a private wildlife sanctuary - the Lumo Sanctuary. This is a private reserve, which borders the Tsavo National Park and the Taita Hills Wildlife Sanctuary without any barriers, i.e., the wild animals roam freely between the National Park, Taita Hills and Lumo. It is a savannah landscape with rocky inselbergs. The sanctuaries are full of wild animals including elephants, giraffes, zebras, eland, kudu, lions, leopards, ostriches, etc.
Near the protected area, there are four villages; accommodation for participants is at the ranger's quarters. The drive from Moshi, Tanzania to Lumo takes about 3 hours.

Activities in Tanzania

Internships & Volunteering

In Moshi and Kilimanjaro region, we offer a very wide range of voluntary work and internships in the areas of welfare, education, medicine, nursing, psychology, environmental protection, law, agriculture, sports, working with women's groups, organization, management, marketing and much more. At various sites of tourist interest, there are internships in Hotels and Safari Lodges . In Dar-es-Salaam, we have internships in the areas of Medicine and Psychology, TV and Journalism, Tourism and Architecture . At Lake Victoria, there are final year rotations for medical students and tourism internships. In Tsavo, Kenya, there are volunteering and internships in a wildlife sanctuary.
On the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro we operate the Kilimanjaro Forest Camp as the accommodation for our Mother Nature Conservation Program at Kilimanjaro.

A project in the mainland of Tanzania or Kenya can be combined with one in Zanzibar!

You can find all the volunteering and internship options in the main menu above or using our Activity Finder.

Active Travel

In Tanzania, we offer exciting Active travel activities from Moshi. Our World Adventure Itineraries combine a few days of volunteering with a safari and various day trips and activities in the regions of Kilimanjaro and Arusha. Community Tourism will allow you to spend time with local tribes such as the Maasai.
You can find the active travel deals in Tanzania in the main menu at the top and in the Activity Finder. Many participants combine active travel deals in Tanzania and Zanzibar!
Since we have a variety of contacts in Tanzania, and are at the same time logistics providers (transport, accommodation, guides), we are the ideal partner for Group Study Tours and Special Interest Programs in Tanzania.

World Learner

Swahili Learning is possible in Moshi and Zanzibar; there are more exciting World Learner activities in Tanzania. These activities can be perfectly combined with Active Travel and Internships/Volunteering.

You can find the World Learner options in Tanzania in the main menu above or through the Activity Finder.


Theses Abroad are available in a variety of subject areas in Tanzania, where we can assist you because of our good connections with NGOs, government and private institutions.

Discovering The Country

Almost all of our participants also travel around to get to know their host country, Zanzibar and Tanzania. As a World Unite! participant you will get a 15% discount on all safaris, day trips, Kilimanjaro climbs and watersports activities on and on the "Eco Packages" on

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Auslandspraktika Internships Abroad

A wide selection of internships in many countries.

Volunteering Volunteering

Charitable placements worldwide.

World Learner World Learner

Learn your host country's knowledge.

Aktivreisen Active Travel

Your alternative holidays.

Academix Academix

Dissertations, intercultural learning.

Work&Travel Working Holiday

Working Holiday in Japan, China and Germany

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