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Which insurance should you take out for your time abroad?

You should definitely take out travel health insurance. Also worth consideration are travel cancellation insurance and liability insurance.
For those joining our Au Pair programs, there is also a special "Au Pair insurance".
In this article we will explain to you what you should know when taking out insurance for your time abroad and how you can easily do so online.

1) Travel health insurance

This is an absolute must and is even required by law for some visas (e.g. Working Holiday Visa Japan). Travel health insurance covers costs should you need medical care during your stay abroad. We expect all of our participants to take out a travel health insurance that is appropriate for their stay abroad.
There are two points to pay particular attention to:
  • That the insurance applies to the type of stay (e.g. internship, volunteering ...)
  • Should it be medically necessary that repatriation to your home country is covered
If during your stay abroad you need an outpatient medical examination, treatment or medication, you will have to pay the costs directly on site, but you will get the expenses reimbursed when you submit the receipts and diagnosis to the insurance company. Depending on the tariff/policy you chose, you might carry a part of the costs.
If you need to be admitted to a hospital, the insurance company will usually communicate directly with the hospital and then decide whether the treatment should be continued on site or whether it is better to repatriate you. In the case of hospitalization, the insurance will usually deal with all payments directly with the hospital. In such serious cases, our coordinators in the host countries will of course assist you and also communicate with your insurance company.
We recommend the CareMed travel health insurance, which is specifically designed for individuals doing an internship, volunteering, Working Holiday, language program etc. abroad. It is available to travelers of all nationalities and can be taken out for stay in all countries except your home country.
Caremed's travel health insurance also covers costs resulting from a Covid-19 infection, with the exception of when you engage yourself in situations that contradict official instructions or health recommendations.
If you follow this link you can take out the insurance online in just a few steps and you will then receive confirmation by email. This is possible latest one day before departure.
In addition to travel health insurance, during the booking process, you will also be suggested to take out travel liability insurance and, if your arrival date is more than 30 days into the future, travel cancellation insurance as an extra.

2) Travel cancellation insurance

A travel cancellation insurance covers cancellation costs, e.g. for your flight costs and for the World Unite! program costs if you cannot start your trip due to an unforeseeable event.
An unforeseeable event includes, for example, a serious illness, death, pregnancy, unexpected dismissal from employment, major financial loss to your property caused by fire, crime or the natural disaster, but also, for example, postponed exam dates of your college/university or school.
The unforeseeable event might not only affect you, but also your travel partner or close relatives such as life partners, children, parents, siblings or, in the event of death, aunts, uncles, nephews and nieces.

3) Travel liability insurance for internships, volunteering, work & travel, job abroad, Au Pair

This insurance is not so well known, but it can be very useful. Some companies offering internships even require their interns to take out such liability insurance and many universities write in their internship contracts that the company providing the internship must have a liability insurance for their interns, which however is not the case in many overseas countries, so you would then need to take out liability insurance on your own.
The travel liability insurance offered by Caremed covers damage that you accidentally inflict on your employer or organisation you do your internship/volunteering with while doing a job abroad, Working Holiday job, internship or volunteering. The actual tasks assigned to you by your employer or organisation you do your internship/volunteering with, during which the damage was caused, may only correspond to your level of knowledge. For instance, as a medical student you are not allowed to treat patients on your own (and therefore you cannot be held liable in case of any treatment errors). Should your employer or internship/volunteer organization nevertheless demand from you to pay for such costs, the travel liability insurance would cover any legal and litigation costs.
The travel liability insurance also covers costs that you accidentally cause to your rental accommodation or host family and also covers the costs of replacing locks when you lose keys.
The travel liability insurance of Caremed can only be taken out in combination with the travel health insurance and will be suggested as an extra during the online booking process.

4) Au Pair insurance

The Au Pair insurance is a combination of various insurances that are required by most countries for the Au Pair visa application and by host families. It include health insurance, accident insurance, liability insurance and costs for the repatriation of an Au Pair to his/her home country, should the immigration authorities order so.

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Auslandspraktika Internships Abroad

A wide selection of internships in many countries.

Volunteering Volunteering

Charitable placements worldwide.

World Learner World Learner

Learn your host country's knowledge.

Aktivreisen Active Travel

Your alternative holidays.

Academix Academix

Dissertations, intercultural learning.

Work&Travel Working Holiday

Working Holiday in Japan, China and Germany

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