  • Please select what you would like to do, where and for how long!


World Unite! has a range of volunteering activities that you can participate in worldwide - in social work, education, medicine and care, environment, arts and culture, sports and many others.
You can find a volunteering project of your choice in the main menu above (“Internships and Volunteering”) - they are marked with the icon menuicon-v. Alternatively, you can also use our "Activity Finder".


Why volunteer?

For many, it is a heartfelt desire to do volunteering abroad, they want to do something "good" and contribute towards a fairer, more equal world.
But you should also be aware of what you get in return: A lifetime of personal joy and satisfaction at having contributed, in whatever little way, and giving back in your own way. An encounter with a culture that is different from your own, mastering unfamiliar challenges outside of your comfort zone – thus, developing your personality like no other experience can. Exposure to a new language and opportunities to meet with like-minded people who you can spend a good time with. If these are not reasons enough, a volunteering assignment can look very good on your CV too! 
We try to communicate to our volunteers that they should not see their time abroad as merely charity, but as an "exchange". You give something, but you also get a lot for you.


Why with World Unite!?

We at World Unite! believe that you as a participant, through your volunteering assignment, deserve to get a truly meaningful experience while contributing the best way possible to your host country.
To this end, when we add new volunteering projects into our repertoire, we analyse them extensively for the exact need. We keep in constant touch with our participants – sometimes for weeks or months before their participation – so that they obtain detailed insight into the scope of work and expectations. We have worked with many of these charitable organizations for years. Based on our own analyses and the ongoing feedback of our participants, we look to make your work as meaningful as possible.
As an organization with a strong ethic, we do not include projects just because they “sell well” and avoid in our communications, any statements or motives that are merely to induce sympathy or the feeling of superiority by the developed world about people in the, so-called, developing countries. We also do not make any willfully false claims about the benefits or purpose of certain programs.
Here, you can read the principles that we work by: Our Principles.


Here’s how you register for the volunteering assignment that will change your life:

1. Peruse the available projects in "Internships and Volunteering" or search for one through our Activity Finder (above right).
2. You fill out the Inquiry/Order Form, in which you specify your desired project. Besides this, please email your CV/Résumé (for Tanzania, Zanzibar, Ghana, Israel, India, China and Mongolia in English; for Morocco in French; for Nicaragua, Bolivia, Ecuador and Galapagos in Spanish) to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.
3. Generally, we confirm the availability of the volunteering assignment of your choice within a few days. We charge nothing for this information. If your desired project is not available, we ask you for alternatives and make suggestions. You can then decide whether you would like to take up the project.

Our Partners

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Auslandspraktika Internships Abroad

A wide selection of internships in many countries.

Volunteering Volunteering

Charitable placements worldwide.

World Learner World Learner

Learn your host country's knowledge.

Aktivreisen Active Travel

Your alternative holidays.

Academix Academix

Dissertations, intercultural learning.

Work&Travel Working Holiday

Working Holiday in Japan, China and Germany

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