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Active Travel: World Adventure Tours, Community Tourism, Special Interest Programs

In "Active Travel", we offer three forms of alternative tourism: World Adventure Tours, Community Tourism and Special Interest Programs (online and on-site).

World Adventure Tours

Our World Adventure Tours combine short-term volunteer assignments with exciting excursions & activities that focus on being active, being in the outdoors, and getting to know your host country's culture. You will spend a few days with a charitable organization where you volunteer, and on other days you go on excursions, sightseeing and do other activities.
This is the ideal option for people who want to volunteer, but have little time, and want to explore their host country for its natural wonders, attractions and diversity.
When selecting the volunteering options, we make of course sure that even you will do it only for a short period of time, something meaningful will result from it. When choosing the touristic activities, we try to make  sure they are carried out in the most sustainable way possible for the environment and society of your host country by, for example, including local tourism initiatives. And for your CO2 compensation we plant 10 trees on Kilimanjaro per participant.


Why World Adventure Tours?
Almost everyone who travels as a volunteer to countries in Africa, Asia or South America, desires to see more of the place. Wouldn't it be a pity having been in Tanzania, without ever having seen the Serengeti, the Kilimanjaro or lions and giraffes in the wild?
We also see a growing number of tourists, particularly those traveling to the so-called, developing countries, expressing their desire to be active participants rather than passive observers.
Our World Adventure Tours cater to meet these two trends, and are planned and timed perfectly so as to enable an adequate mix of both.
As part of the volunteering which is part of the World Adventure Tour, we make sure that even though your assignment is for a short duration only, it still has some positive outcomes. A donation to benefit the project financially is of course also included in the package.
We try to add the sustainability factor to all projects and activities that are chosen for you. Thus, local tourism and eco-tourism offers are integrated, and benefit from your visit. We work with small and medium sized local partners, to whom a socially and environmentally sustainable form of travel matters. Some of the activities you do and visit as participant are offered by the same local partners, such as NGOs, where we also arrange long-time volunteering options. These visits and activities do not fall in the purview of usual tourist activities and give you a deeper insight into your host destination. Several such deals have been developed and organised by our interns in the area of sustainable tourism development. In many countries, sustainable tourism is a powerful engine of development. 
"Tourism" and "volunteering” are not two opposed things, but perfectly combine each other!
You book your World Adventure tour by filling out the Inquiry/Order Form.

Community Tourism

Community Tourism
Community Tourism is a form of tourism that is offered by local groups, such as an indigenous farming communities in Nicaragua or India, or members of a tribe in Africa. Tourists stay in local houses and lead simple lives with the locals, taking part either in their daily activities such as agriculture, or getting guided tours into the locality for insight into the peculiarities of the new culture.
Thus, you get first hand insights into the local culture by fully immersing with the community, giving you a unique experience, which is often the maximum contrast to your daily grind.
Why Community Tourism?
Community Tourism offers travelers opportunities and insights that are not possible in conventional forms of travel. Simultaneously, Community Tourism supports sustainable regional development.
In many cases, members of the community tourism initiatives were trained by NGOs or development programs that specialize in tourism potential development of rural regions. These include the command over foreign languages, hygiene in food preparation or general service knowledge. Ideally, after some time the project is passed on in full by the NGO to local initiatives and is henceforth, managed independently by them. For the people from the rural areas, this is an alternative source of income and makes them somewhat less dependent on the income from agriculture, which is often vulnerable to droughts and falling world market prices.
If travelers are interested in the local culture and nature, Community Tourism contributes to the preservation of local cultural and environmental protection. Through the training programs, as well as through dealing with travelers from around the world, Community Tourism promotes education and empowerment of those with lower educational levels.
In general, Community Tourism initiatives include schemes, by which the whole of the local community benefits from the proceeds of tourism, for instance through the funding of projects such as upgrading the village school or village water supply. Hence, Community Tourism contributes in various ways to rural development.
You book your Community Tourism Travel by filling out the Inquiry/Order Form.

Special Interest Group Programs

For groups (such as universities, schools, clubs, businesses, etc.), we organize customised high quality projects at reasonable prices in all our target countries and online!
Due to our excellent contacts with many NGOs, government institutions, universities, private companies and individuals, have our own qualified staff on site in many locations and even work with an infrastructure service provider (for accommodations, transfers, legal foundations, etc.), we are the perfect partner for:
* Remote/online group programs
* Internships and volunteering activities for groups
* Customised study trips
* Support with the implementation of activities of any kind in the locations where we operate
All details can be found here.

Our Partners

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Auslandspraktika Internships Abroad

A wide selection of internships in many countries.

Volunteering Volunteering

Charitable placements worldwide.

World Learner World Learner

Learn your host country's knowledge.

Aktivreisen Active Travel

Your alternative holidays.

Academix Academix

Dissertations, intercultural learning.

Work&Travel Working Holiday

Working Holiday in Japan, China and Germany

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