  • Please select what you would like to do, where and for how long!

IT Internships in India

Internship and Online Internship possible
With or without previous experience! - We arrange IT internships in all bigger cities of India. You will email to us your CV/resume and let us know what internship you are looking for and we will suggest an internship to you without any obligation.
This placement is possible as a Remote / Virtual internship from home! The Tasks for Remote Interns are the same as for the interns on site. The online internship is 450 EUR for the first month and 100 EUR additionally for any additional month or part thereof. Just submit the inquiry/order form form and mention "Remote Internship"!
The economic power of India's IT sector is, right after the US, the second strongest in the world. IT services and software coding are making up 40% of the nation's economic power and 30% of India's total export revenues. Almost all major international IT companies run branches in India to program their software. In addition, there is a large number of medium-sized Indian IT enterprises specialising in a certain IT niche. Bangalore is referred to as the “Silicon Valley of India”, but also other locations such as Hyderabad, Mumbai, Delhi, Gurgaon and Chennai boast a remarkable number of IT companies.
We are organising IT internships at various cities of India.

For an IT internship in India please email us your CV/resume in English and tell us what exactly you are interested in, as well as when you are planning to do the internship. Technologies you should have at least basic knowledge in depend on the respective internship. In order to find a suitable internship for you, please specify your skills and level of experience as detailed as possible. Technologies that we can regularly organise internships in include HTML 5, PHP, Java, JavaScript, Android, dbms (e.g.mysql), adjustments to and extensions of Joomla & Wordpress, ASP.NET AJAX, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC and SEO skills. IT internships in India are however also possible if you don't have any or only very little previous experience.

We will then suggest an internship for you, including giving you the name of the company, a detailled internship description, and the exact conditions. You can then without any obligation decide whether you accept the offer. Only after accepting the internship offer, we will charge you for our service package (for details about what the package includes please refer to the tab "Rate").
Common internships are for instance:
* Web development (front end and back end)
* Java Development
* .net development
* ios development
* Linux development
* Android App development
* Game development (unity 3d)
* Phython programming
* Software testing
Info Box
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Location: Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Jaipur and other Indian cities
Availability: always; flexible start date
Minimum duration: 1 Month
Maximum duration: 12 Months
Required language skills: English
Accommodation: Rental room, shared apartment, host family
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Supervision possible: Yes
Qualification Supervisor: IT specialists
Minimum qualification of interns:
Further contribution to the company: No
Remuneration: If you have skills, Yes, ca. Rs. 5000 to Rs. 25,000 per month
Volunteering possible: No
Expected Qualificationen of Volunteer: -
Further project contribution: -
We expect:
Professional work attitude

Accommodation in Jaipur



Shared serviced apartment in Jaipur

The shared serviced apartment in Jaipur is located in a 4 storey residential building in a residential area of good standards, in walking distance from shopping malls, parks, and public transport.
A maximum of 12 participants are sharing the apartment, staying at shared rooms (4-share), which are separated by gender. The apartment furthermore has 2 bathrooms with a hot and cold shower, a kitchen, a communal space with fridge and cable TV, a balcony, and a rooftop. There is free Wifi.
There are 2 rooms with air conditioning and one without. There is an extra charge for the rooms with air conditioning. Temperatures in Jaipur are high between March and October.
3 Indian meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are served at the house and are included in the rent. At least once per week an activity is offered  to our participants in Jaipur at no extra cost, such as Indian dance, cooking lessons, Yoga, or Hindi lessons. The house manager Pooja (who on the pictures is wearing a yellow t-shirt) also stays at the apartment and is your contact person.

Host Family in Jaipur

You will staying with an Indian host family who will serve you 3 meals per day. You will share your room either with another participant of the same gender or, in case of younger participants, share with a teenage child of your host family ("Host brother"/"host sister"). Single room accommodation is possible at a little extra. Staying with a host family, you can also join at least once per week an activity such as Indian dance, cooking lessons, Yoga, or Hindi lessons, at no extra charge.


I. World Unite! Service Package

Mobile/Cell Phone Users: If you don't see the rates for your desired duration of stay, hide other (shorter) durations of stay.
  up to 60 Days
61-365 Days
 wu servicepackage
1 Person
600 EUR 800 EUR
2-4 Persons
(Rate per Person)
500 EUR 700 EUR
Convert rates to USD, GBP, CAD, AUD and other currencies

The World Unite! Service Package includes:

  • Arrangement of your Internship
  • Individual Consultation and Preparation prior to your arrival
  • Access to the World Unite! Online Resource Centre which has Preparation Materials including Intercultural Preparation, compiled particularly for your destination (PDFs, Videos)
  • Preparation Session via Skype, together with further participants
  • Arrangements of the Documents you need for your Visa Application and assistance with local registration (if required) but not the official government fees for the visa (See costs below)
  • Pick-up and Transfers from/to the next international airport on arrival and departure
  • At least once per week cultural activity in Jaipur, e.g. Yoga, Hindi lesson, cooking lesson, Henna painting, Indian dance
  • Personal support staff at our international office
  • Accompanying you to your placement on your first day of internship
  • 24 Hours emergency support by local support team
  • Local SIM Card with 600 Rs. airtime credit
  • Issuance of Confirmations/Certificates for your university, scholarship, insurance, etc. and filling out/signing Internship Contracts for your university
  • For the CO2 compensation of your long-haul flights: Costs for 10 seedlings of indigenous trees that we plant on the slopes of Kilimanjaro

The Rates do NOT include:

  • Accommodation and Meals (see below)
  • Travel to/from India (you book it on your own; we can assist you)
  • Official fees for Visa (see below)
  • Insurance (Travel Health Insurance, Liability Insurance, Travel Cancellation insurance; you book it on your own, we can assist you)
  • Personal Expenses
  • Vaccinations
  • Local Transport (Estimated amounts see below)
  • Please note that for supervised/mentored internships, some organizations charge further contributions. You find this information in the "Info Box" below the respective internship description.

II. Accommodation Costs

Accommodation at shared serviced apartment (2-share to 4-share dorm) on full board, incl. wifi OR with host family (twin or triple room) on full board: 75 EUR/week.
Supplement for rooms with air conditioning: EUR 12.50 per week.
Single room at a host family has a supplement of 35 EUR per week.
Single room at guest house on full board: 27 EUR per night.
Full board means 3 meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), Indian food.

Overview of other costs:

  • Visa around 60-130 EUR (75-160 USD) depending on activity and duration; to apply prior to your travel
  • Small local expenses (Internet, Local Transport): ca. 20-40 EUR (30-50 USD)/Month (Estimate)
  • Insurances around 20-40 EUR (30-50 USD)/Month

How do I pay?

Once all your questions have been answered and you confirm that you want to participate, we will email you an invoice. You can pay it via bank transfer, credit card or via Paypal. You will pay a deposit of 200 EUR / 250 USD when the invoice is issued. One months prior to your arrival you will pay the remainder for your Service Package.
The payment modalities for rent and possible further costs (e.g. internship supervision fees, as stated in info box of the respective project description) depend on your host country and placement. We will inform you beforehand. In many cases these costs are paid on site, but for some countries and placements they need to be paid partially or fully in advance.

Other Projects That Might Interest You:

These projects are suggestions for alternatives that may interest you or those that could be chosen as COMBINATIONS. The combination of projects in different organizations is often possible and usually cheaper than two individual bookings. Please contact us to know more! Check out our other listings in the areas of "World Learner" and "Active Travel" at your travel destination to make your stay even more interesting.

Travel Health Insurance

We recommend the following travel insurance that is meant specifically for participants of internships, volunteering, language study, working holiday, and courses abroad. It is available for travelers of all nationalities and usable for all countries, except your home country. You can also add a journey liability insurance.
Just click on the link, fill in the form and you will get a confirmation email.

Rajasthan - The Land of the Kings

Rajasthan is located in the North-West of India and means "Land of the Kings". More than 2500 years ago, tribes built cities, and kingdoms were formed, which existed until the British colonial time in the 19th century. The largest state of India, in terms of area, is determined by the landscapes of the Thar Desert and the Aravalli Range, which are rich in forts and palaces of the Rajput kings. Due to its natural beauty and cultural heritage, Rajasthan is today, one of India's most popular travel destinations. Jaipur is part of the so-called "Golden Triangle", consisting of the cities of Agra (Taj Mahal), Delhi and Jaipur, which is part of every round trip in northern India.
Jaipur is known as the "Pink City" due to the dominant color of its buildings. The 3 million-people city has numerous forts, palaces and temples. Jaipur is also known for its jewelry industry. More than 14,000 people produce jewelery made of metal, stone and rubber lacquer, typically at small backyard workshops, which are sold all over the world.
Jodhpur is called the "blue city" due to the colour of its houses. The city is overlooked by the mighty Meherangarh Fort. There is also a university in Jodhpur.
Setrawa is a village in the Thar desert, located around 100 km north of Jodhpur. A problem in Rajasthan is the scarcity of water. In the Thar desert, the only annual rains pour down in the form of heavy thunderstorms during the months of July to September, when temperatures normally go up to 50 degree Celsius. Traditionally, the water of these hot summer months are stored in ponds that are the shape of a half moon, called Johad. In the patriarchal society of the rural regions, women are denied access to education and social life.

Our Coordinator in Rajasthan

In Jaipur, Hasmik with her team will welcome you and provide support for you. In Jodphur and Setrawa our coordinator is Govind from Sambhali Trust.

Recreational Activities in Rajasthan

Jaipur and Jodhpur can count with a large number of forts, palaces, temples, historical and natural history museums, and gardens and parks that you can visit. At both cities you can also take part in yoga classes, cooking lessons, Indian dance session, and join other cultural activities.
It is of course also recommended to travel around other parts of Rajasthan.

Music Video with the girls of Sambhali Trust in Jodhpur

In this music video, shot on the streets of Jodhpur, the girls of Sambhali Trust (with whom we arrange volunteering) sing and play. It communicates very well the mood of the city of Jodhpur!

Video of Setrawa/Sambhali Trust

Karina and Kerry, volunteers from South Africa, speak about their experience in the school of Sambhali Trust in the desert village of Setrawa. They also tell about life in the village.

Getting To Jaipur, Jodhpur and Setrawa

india map
Jaipur: Jaipur has a large international airport. It is best if you book your flight directly there. From Jaipur Airport (JAI) our local team will pick you up and bring you to your accommodation in Jaipur.
Jodhpur: You book a flight to Jodhpur (JDH) where you will be picked up from the airport by our local team and taken to your accommodation in Jodhpur.
Setrawa: You will book a flight to Jodhpur (JDH) where you will be picked up from the airport by our local team. You willI spend the first 1-2 days in Jodhpur, where you get an introduction and will then be driven to Setrawa.

Our Partners

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Aktivreisen Active Travel

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Academix Academix

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Work&Travel Working Holiday

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