  • Please select what you would like to do, where and for how long!

Virtual and on-site Internships abroad with World Unite!

Are you looking to explore your work experience at a global level? World Unite! offers you internship opportunities in many fields of your choice in various countries across the globe - both as virtual (online) programs and on-site at the countries where we are active.
These internships are especially for students and trainees who are required to complete such projects for academic purposes and also, high school students and graduates who look to acquire their first professional experience or anyone (of any age) who is looking for career options in a country away from home or who wishes to improve his or her global competences!
Such internships are invaluable additions to your CV/resume and extraordinary experiences that will propel any professional contribution you look to make in the future. From your home country, you might find it a challenge to organize such placements by yourself, as it involves a great deal of planning and coordination. World Unite! helps you with preparation and assists you every step of the way, so that you save a lot of time and effort in planning your internship.
We arrange virtual internships only at locations where we have our own local teams. In this way, we know all the companies and organizations that you would do your virtual internship with very well. Our local staff will give you tips on how to master the remote internship and will supplement your learning experiences with useful background information from the respective host country. Here you can read everything about our virtual/remote internships.
For students who wish to do internships as part of their academic prerequisites, supervision by a qualified professional is possible, so that your project is credited. On-site internships are listed in the main menu above ("Internships & Volunteering") and marked with the icon Internship. Virtual/Remote internships are marked with the icon Online Internship. To find a suitable internship, you can also use our "Activity Finder".
The internships are unpaid in most countries. However, in case of on-site internships some companies pay an allowance and/or provide accommodation and/or meals. Internships with a remuneration or other benefits in kind are marked with the icon menuicon-d.
If you are not yet sure which professional field is the most suitable for you, you may find this out by doing a job orientation internship with us. During your stay at your host country, you can then do several short-term placements from various fields to identify the professional career that appeals to you the most.

Steps to your dream internship:

1. Browse the options in our main menu, "Internships and Volunteering" or use the Activity Finder (above right) to find your dream internship!
2. You fill out the Inquiry/Order Form in which you specify your internship request. You also email your CV/résumé (for Tanzania, Zanzibar, Ghana, Israel, India, China, Ireland and Malta in English; for Morocco in French; for Nicaragua, Bolivia, Ecuador and Galapagos in Spanish; for Japan, in Japanese or English) to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.
3. Generally, we confirm availability of the internship within a few days. We charge nothing for this information and there is no obligation for you. If your dream project is not available, we give you alternatives that you can further consider.

Our Partners

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Auslandspraktika Internships Abroad

A wide selection of internships in many countries.

Volunteering Volunteering

Charitable placements worldwide.

World Learner World Learner

Learn your host country's knowledge.

Aktivreisen Active Travel

Your alternative holidays.

Academix Academix

Dissertations, intercultural learning.

Work&Travel Working Holiday

Working Holiday in Japan, China and Germany

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