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Why choose World Unite!? - Our Advantages


Vorteileok-icon2  Cost Effective

Our rates are amongst the lowest you can find, while we offer high quality programs and support services around your volunteering and internship placement, and other activities abroad, which are not behind the offers of providers that often charge three times as much. Often we believe we are even by far exceeding other operators' service levels.
How can we do that? Profit-making is not our priority. With our fees we just cover our operational costs and make a modest profit, which allows us to finance the continuation of our programs and arrangement of new options.
We are generally cost-conscious and don't waste money, for instance, on prestigious catalogues or high office rents. We pay fair salaries to our employees, but no ridiculously high salaries to managing directors in the US or Europe. We find this unethical, given the financial constraints most organizations in the so-called developing countries, where we place volunteers, have to deal with.
Instead, we even finance and run our own programs such as the environmental conservation and sustainable development progams with the UWEMAJO farmer's cooperative in Zanzibar, "Social Reality Tour" in Tanzania, and others.
Secondly, we try to organize ourselves as much as possible, such as through the use of current technologies for planning, management and communication, which are accessible now in the so-called developing countries through digitization. Through our smartphones and software management system, our employees are networked anytime, anywhere; we avoid unnecessary costs and driving workload and avoid mistakes.
We try to be more cost conscious in every area - even about wasted money for prestigious glossy catalogs or expensive office rents in European city centers.
We choose to direct this cost advantage back to you.

ok-icon2  Individual planning and support

We don't have fixed programs where you must do what someone has decided without knowing you. Every participant has different interests, skills, needs and wishes. We take this into consideration to find the perfect placement for you and offer the very personal support that you need.
We extensively communicate with you. Most the members of our international consultations team have Master degrees in International Cooperation, Ethnology, Social Sciences and other related subject areas, several years of work experience, and broad experience abroad at our host countries. Prior to your arrival you will communicate in English with Nicole, Katharina, Julia, Kristina, Michaela, Monique and Chris. On location, you will have full support by your local coordinators, but our international consultation team is still always available for you - even after your return.

ok-icon2  We are on site!

We are not a "sales agency", sitting in our office somewhere in the US or in Europe, not exactly knowing what's going on at the destination where you will be travelling. Instead, at most destinations where we are active, we have our own permanent team members who are in daily interaction with our participants and all placements. We know the real needs of everyone who is locally involved and always have up-to-date information.
At several destinations where we are active, we are in fact also inbound agents for selected, high-quality travel agents from all over the world that specialise in educational, cultural, and youth travel. We receive and provide the local support services to the participants who book through these agents.

ok-icon2  Widest range of placement options in our host countries

We offer the widest range of placement options in the countries where we operate. Other providers typically just offer the most popular options, trying to put all participants into the same projects. This saves them costs and maximizes their profits. We don't do that.
We want to offer you the placements which fit your interests and where you can contribute and learn most.

ok-icon2  Highest flexibility in terms of starting dates and duration

Most of our programs (only with a few exceptions) you can start at any date and you are very free in the project duration. We pick you up and are there for you, even if your flight arrives in the middle of the night and give you an introduction and orientation even if you are the only new participant on that day. Other organizations (while charging higher fees!) have fixed arriving dates and durations, which saves them costs for transport and salaries. Our service is personal.

ok-icon2  Professional high-quality internships

We have team members from many different disciplines, who also have a subject-specific understanding of what is important about your internship, in order to properly advise you, and to find the right internship for you. We ensure that the learning goal is achieved and have experience with regard to the requirements of universities from all around the world, including the US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and most European countries.

ok-icon2  “Serious” and "ethical" activities

In case of volunteering, we believe that it is the interest of most participants that their volunteer work contributes something useful to their project and host country. As an ethical organization, we don't offer any placements just because they "sell" well.
An example is the "elephant project of Jaipur". In Jaipur/India, elephants are kept in the city center under miserable conditions. They have to walk through the crowded and noisy inner city traffic the whole day to carry tourists and goods. Often they get injured by car accidents. At night, they are "parked" like a truck in a garage. Other volunteer organizations sell this "elephant project", saying that volunteers must "help these poor creatures" by caring for them. The elephant owners however, make money by receiving the foreign volunteers and that is the motivation for them to keep the elephants in miserable conditions. If the elephants were kept in good conditions, no volunteers would be needed and no money made. Elephant owners and unethical volunteer organizations become rich - the elephants suffer. We reject to offer such kind of volunteer placements.

ok-icon2  Academic Integration

Research is important in order to understand complex relationships - what is needed to meet the challenges of our time. With "Dissertations/Theses Abroad", we try to stimulate research activities that are intended to provide insights to the students working on their thesis, as well as benefit local projects. As a result, our projects for internships and volunteering are still meaningful.
We have also learned that many initiatives that are of good intention fail, or the trainees do not achieve optimal learning, due to misunderstandings, which could be avoided or reduced by a better intercultural understanding. Based on scientific evidence, intercultural preparation is an essential aspect for all our participants and such knowledge is a huge advantage for you in a global world. Intercultural preparation is part of all of our programs abroad.
We hope that you appreciate our efforts and choose World Unite! as your partner for volunteer work, internships, Working Holidays or Voluntourism!
Also read Our Principles!

Our Partners

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Auslandspraktika Internships Abroad

A wide selection of internships in many countries.

Volunteering Volunteering

Charitable placements worldwide.

World Learner World Learner

Learn your host country's knowledge.

Aktivreisen Active Travel

Your alternative holidays.

Academix Academix

Dissertations, intercultural learning.

Work&Travel Working Holiday

Working Holiday in Japan, China and Germany

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