  • Please select what you would like to do, where and for how long!

Print Media Internship in Dar-es-Salaam

Internship and Remote Internship possible
English-language journalism internships are possible with the newspapers "The Citizen" and "The Guardian" in Dar-es-Salaam. These newspapers also offer internships in graphic design and layout. Another option is "Femina Hip", a youth magazine, where you can intern in the field of production management.
This placement is possible as a Remote / Remote internship from home! Tasks for Remote Interns: Researching contents and writing articles. The remote internship is 450 EUR for the first month and 100 EUR additionally for any additional month or part thereof. Just submit the inquiry/order form form and mention "Remote Internship"!

Which internships are possible?

The Citizen (Tanzania) isTanzania's leading daily newspaper in English language. The publisher is Mwananchi Communications Ltd., a producer of print and radio media, which is part of Nation Media Group (NMG) Kenya.
Besides "The Citizen" there is also the Sunday paper "Sunday Citizen". The citizen has regular inserts: Sports Extra - every Monday; Political Forum - every Wednesday; Education - every Monday; Weekender - every Friday; Business Week - every Thursday; and Woman - every Saturday.
Mwananchi also publishes the Swahili language newspaper "Mwananchi" (which means "Citizen" in Swahili) along with its Sunday issue "Mwananchi Jumapili". Many contents of “The Citizen” and “Mwananchi” are identical and are translated between the two languages. “Mwananchi” also, has similar inserts as with “The Citizen”. The sports magazine “Mwanaspoti” in Swahili language appears biweekly, independently from the daily newspaper.
The main offices of Mwananchi Communications are in Dar-es-Salaam, but there are branches in all major cities of Tanzania, which not only produce regional news, but also contribute contents for the national edition.
We arrange internships at the headquarters in Dar-es-Salaam and at the local branch of Moshi/Kilimanjaro.
The headquarters in Dar-es-Salaam is a modern open-plan office where journalists create contents in a result-oriented and timely way within a professional work environment, which does not differ a lot from newspaper desks in Europe or North America. It is expected that you do your research and work quickly and independently.
For this reason, the internship at the Dar-es-Salaam headquarters is suitable for participants who are already experienced in journalism and who seek a new challenge doing this in Africa.
The local newsroom in Moshi however is a rather slow-paced workplace. Located in a small room at the Kahawa house office building, several journalists and advertising salespeople share one computer. Doing your internship in Moshi is rather suitable for participants who are looking for first experiences in newspaper journalism.
At both locations, you will be given suggested topics for which research can be done and articles in English can be written, including suitable images. You will also write text based on news agency contents. However, you should also be able to find topics yourself and write articles in an independent way, which may or may not be published.
In More Info, you will find some articles which have been written by our intern Stella and published in “The Citizen” Dar-es-Salaam.
"The Citizen" in Dar-es-Salaam also allows internships in the graphic design and layout.
The Guardian publishes two daily newspapers, the English-language "The Guardian" and "Nipashe" in Swahili, as well as four weeklies, which are "Guardian on Sunday" and its equivalent "Nipashe Jumapili" every Sunday as well as Taira Letu on Fridays and Sema Usikike on Mondays. All publications include articles, features, analyses and pictures from the subject areas politics, economy, education, sports and entertainment.
Femina HIP is the publisher of Fema Magazine, a popular Tanzanian youth magazine. This attractive and colourful weekly magazine that has been in existence since 1999, is published in Swahili language with a print-run of 170,000 copies. The edutainment magazine features besides stories about youth culture and lifestyle, topics like sexuality, relationships and HIV/AIDS.
Femina HIP also runs a weekly television program, radio program and website.
The magazine "Si Mchezo!" is published every two months with similar contents but, targeting a semi-literate rural readership. The print-run is also around 170,000 copies, with a readership of more than 2 million people. Si Mchezo! is sponsored by the government of Tanzania.

As all publications of Femina HIP are in Swahili language, journalism internships are only possible for individuals who can do editorial writing in Swahili. However, Femina HIP regularly offers internships in production management, which require a minimum duration of 6 months.
Info Box
Location: Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Availability: All year, Start date flexible
Minimum Duration: 1 Month
Maximum Duration: 12 Months
Language Requirements: English
Further Languages of Advantage: Swahili
Student Halls of Residence, Host Family
Supervision Possible: Yes
Qualification of Supervisor: Journalists, Editors, Designers
Minimum Qualification of Intern:
Enrolled at university or job training
Further Contribution To Project: None
Volunteering Possible: Yes
Required Qualification of Volunteer: Professional Specialist
Further Contribution To Project: None
Minimum 1 month of work, Professional Conduct
Do you have the "right" attitude?
The following articles, published in "The Citizen" were written by our intern, Stella:
From America to Morogoro (PDF, 4.5 MB)
Hollywood star Kristin Davis (Sex and the City) swapped Manhattan for Morogoro to meet female farmers and find out about the challenge they face in producing food for themselves and others.
Can she rule the Universe? (PDF, 3.4 MB)
On September 12, 2011 Nelly Alexsandra Kamwelu will take to a Brazilian stage to fight for the Miss Universe crown against contestants from all over the world.
Has the occult taken over our music? (PDF, 1.9 MB)
The belief was once reserved as an African ritual but as it turns out, even Western stars perform rituals
Women who travel for sex (PDF, 406 kb)
Why an increasing number of mzungu women come to Tanzania to search for love and sexual adventure

Accommodation in Dar-es-Salaam

In Dar-es-Salaam, you can choose between accommodation of different standards:
mostpopular transparent
Most popular! -  A student residence, for Tanzanian and foreign students.

comfortplustext transp
Comfort+ - For those who place more emphasis on comfort: High Standard Accommodation with a host family.



The residence of simple standards is located only 15 minutes' walk from the Muhimbili National Hospital, in an upscale residential area. It is a large house that is shared by our participants with Tanzanian students. You can choose between single and double occupancy. Employees prepare breakfast, which is included in the rent. You cannot use a kitchen for preparing your own dishes. There is no WiFi internet.


High Standard Rooms with Host Family:

A host family in the Oysterbay area has a separate building on their large property with two rooms, each with private bath. The food is had with the family in the main building. Another family in the Upanga Area has a room in their attractive detached guest wing.

Hotel Accommodation:

The Livingstone Hotel in the Kariakoo area in the city center of Dar-es-Salaam is a budget hotel, which is professionally managed by a hotel group, which also operates the Best Western hotels in Tanzania. You live in one of the "Superior" rooms, which have a balcony. They also have air conditioning, a private bathroom with hot shower and toilet, cable TV and a work desk. There are rooms with a large double bed and two single beds.

I. World Unite! Service Package

Mobile/Cell Phone Users: If you don't see the rates for your desired duration of stay, hide other (shorter) durations of stay.
  up to 31 Days
32-60 Days
61-90 Days
91-120 Days
5 Months or longer
 wu servicepackage
1 Person
450 EUR 600 EUR 700 EUR 750 EUR 850 EUR
2-4 Persons
(Rate per Person)
400 EUR 500 EUR 600 EUR 650 EUR 700 EUR
Convert rates to USD, GBP, CAD, AUD and other currencies

The World Unite! Service Package includes:

  • Individual Consultation and Preparation prior to your arrival
  • Access to the World Unite! Online Resource Centre which has Preparation Materials including Intercultural Preparation, compiled particularly for your destination (PDFs, Videos)
  • Preparation Session via Skype, together with further participants
  • Arrangements for your Residence Permit or similar permit and other official permits (if required), but not the official government fees for it/them (See costs below)
  • Pick-up and Transfers from/to Dar-es-Salaam (DAR) International Airport on arrival and departure
  • Personal support staff at your location and at our international office
  • Orientation and Introduction in Dar-es-Salaam
  • Accompanying you to your placement on your first day
  • 24 Hours emergency support by local support team
  • 50 USD Contribution to your project
  • To compensate for the CO2 emissions of your long haul flight: Costs for 10 seedlings of indigenous trees that we plant on the slopes of Kilimanjaro
  • Local SIM Card with 10.000 TSH air time
  • Issuance of Confirmations/Certificates for your university, scholarship, insurance, etc. and filling out/signing Internship Contracts for your university
  • 15% Discount for Safaris, Kilimanjaro Climbs, Day Trips and Watersports Activities offered by "Budget Safari Tanzania"

The Rates do NOT include:

  • Accommodation and Meals (see below)
  • Travel to/from Dar-es-Salaam (you book it on your own; we can assist you)
  • Official fees for Visa and Residence Permit (see below)
  • Insurance (Travel Health Insurance, Liability Insurance, Travel Cancellation insurance; you book it on your own, we can assist you)
  • Personal Expenses
  • Vaccinations
  • Local Transport (Estimated amounts see below)
  • Please note that for supervised/mentored internships, some organizations charge further contributions. You find this information in the "Info Box" below the respective internship description.

II. Accommodation Costs

You can choose between the following options:
Mobile/Cell Phone Users: If you don't see the rates for your desired duration of stay, hide other (shorter) durations of stay.
All rates in US-Dollar or Tanzania Shilling!
Convert currency
 Any duration of stay
Hall of Residence or Hotel
Students' Hall of Residence incl. Breakfast
1 Person
(Single Room)
25,000 TSH/Night
2 Persons p.p.
(Double/Twin Room)
20,000 TSH/Night
Hotel incl. Breakfast
1 Person
(Single Room)
60 USD/Night
(min. 7 Days)
2 Persons p.p.
(Double/Twin Room)
33 USD/Night
(min. 7 Days)
Host Family
Host family of high standard, without meals
1 Person
(Single Room)
15 USD/Night
2 Personen p.p.
(Double/Twin Room)
15 USD/Night
Optional:Full board
per person 2 USD/Night
In case of 3-4 person: Same rate as in case of 2 Persons. 5 or more persons: Contact us for group rates.

Overview of other costs:

  • If meals are not included: around 130-220 USD/Month for self-catering (eating out at affordable yet good restaurants and/or cooking by yourself; you are much more flexible in this way compared to if we would serve food at your accommodation)
  • Visa and Permits (mainland Tanzania): In case of stay of up to 90 days: Visa 50 USD; In case of stay of 91-180 days: Visa total costs 200 USD
  • Small local expenses (e.g. Internet, local transport): around 30-50 USD/Month (Estimate)
  • Insurances around 30-50 USD/Month


How do I pay?

Once all your questions have been answered and you confirm that you want to participate, we will email you an invoice. You can pay it via bank transfer, credit card or via Paypal. You will pay a deposit of 200 EUR / 250 USD when the invoice is issued. One months prior to your arrival you will pay the remainder for your Service Package.
The payment modalities for rent and possible further costs (e.g. internship supervision fees, as stated in info box of the respective project description) depend on your host country and placement. We will inform you beforehand. In many cases these costs are paid on site, but for some countries and placements they need to be paid partially or fully in advance.

Other Projects That Might Interest You:

These projects are suggestions for alternatives that may interest you or those that could be chosen as COMBINATIONS. The combination of projects in different organizations is often possible and usually cheaper than two individual bookings. Please contact us to know more! Check out our other listings in the areas of "World Learner" and "Active Travel" at your travel destination to make your stay even more interesting.

Safaris, Kilimanjaro Climbs, Day Trips, Watersports

budgetsafaribannerAs "Budget Safari Tanzania" we are arranging cost-effective yet high-quality safaris, Kilimanjaro climbs, excursions, and watersports activities in Tanzania and Zanzibar. You will group with other World Unite! participants and further travellers.
As a World Unite! participant, you get a 15% discount on all offers of Budget Safari Tanzania. We will share a Discount Code with you that you can use with the online booking of your safari, Kilimanjaro climb, excursion or watersports activity.

Travel Health Insurance

We recommend the following travel insurance that is meant specifically for participants of internships, volunteering, language study, working holiday, and courses abroad. It is available for travelers of all nationalities and usable for all countries, except your home country. You can also add a journey liability insurance.
Just click on the link, fill in the form and you will get a confirmation email.

Picture Gallery Dar-es-Salaam



Dar-es-Salaam, typically just referred to as "Dar" is the former, but still unofficial capital of Tanzania. The 3 million people metropolis is the country's economic, industrial and trading centre. Dar's port is one of the largest of East Africa. 35 km/25 miles offshore lies the island of Zanzibar, which can be reached easily by ferry from Dar. Dar International Airport (DAR) is the largest airport of Tanzania, bringing many tourists to Dar, to connect to their safaris in Tanzania or beach holidays in Zanzibar.
People take a few days to get accustomed to this busy city; however, after a short time, most of our participants really enjoy "Bongo" town. Bongo means something like "clever", derived from the word "ubongo" which means "brain" in Swahili, asserting the fact that if you want to survive in the third world metropolis, you need some brains, which every "mshamba" (countryside person) should better know when thinking about moving to Dar-es-Salaam. Dar-es-Salaam has an annual population growth of 10%, particularly from people moving from rural regions of Tanzania to the city, settling down at the city's sprawling suburbs. As in many developing countries, the migrants look for a better life in the city - a job with fixed salary, entertainment and "modern life". Despite the city's extremely fast-paced economic development, not everyone can make it.
The city also has its quiet side. There are several parks, most of which were built by the Germans during the colonial era of "German East Africa". In Kigamboni, which can be reached by ferry in a few minutes, and several outlying islands, there are attractive beaches.

Recreational Activities in Dar

Dar has a vivid nightlife which takes place at local bars and Bongo Flava Clubs (East-African Hip Hop) outside the city centre. Kigamboni and several offshore islands boast of attractive beaches. Mikumi National Park, Selous Game Reserve with its mighty Rufiji River, and Saadani National Park can be reached within a few hours, just as the art city Bagamoyo, and Zanzibar.

Getting To Dar-es-Salaam

tanzania map
Many airlines fly, usually with a stopover, to Dar-es-Salaam (DAR). Remember to book your flight and share with us your flight details. At Dar-es-Salaam airport, we will pick you up and bring you to your accommodation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are there fixed start dates for the project, which I must adhere to?
In the case of Muhimbili National Hospital, your start date is fixed. You can arrive a few days before or after according to flight fares. Just give us your flight details and we will pick you up even in the middle of the night. For other projects, e.g. in Dar-es-Salaam, there is usually flexibility as to the exact start date.
Can I stay longer at my accommodation after my volunteering/internship or arrive earlier?
Yes, this is possible and we will give you our best rates. Just let us know when you arrive and leave and we will let you know the costs.
During my stay, can I travel around the country?
Of course you can travel around, almost all of our participants do so. In Moshi and Zanzibar, we ourselves often offer day trips, for which you can join other volunteers and interns when you travel there. We share these trips with you in our monthly subscriber list and you can book them. Participants often organize on-site travel together. In Moshi and Zanzibar, you can stay at the same low rates as our Zanzibar or Moshi participants in accommodations provided by us. If you plan to travel during your volunteering/internship period, you should seek permission in advance. We recommend that you plan your travel after your volunteering/internship. For this, you can also stay longer in your accommodation at affordable rates.
Is it safe to travel in Tanzania alone as a single female traveller?
Approximately 80% of our participants are female and many of them, only about 20 years old. Not a single instance of a serious security breach has occurred. Our coordinator will advise you on how you should conduct yourself in order to avoid problems - your dressing style, valuables, and in dealing with local men. Our preparation materials elaborate on this matter. If you follow these basic rules that apply equally to many other places, the risk in Dar-es-Salaam is not great.
Will I be the only volunteer/intern in the project or in Dar-es-Salam?
The total number of participants that participate simultaneously with an organization depends on the size and activity of the organization and responsibilities of volunteers/interns. We try to avoid too many volunteers/interns in an organization at the same time. It may be that you are alone in your work site, but usually there are, throughout the year, other participants in Dar-es-Salam, who you can meet in your spare time, if you desire so.
What vaccinations do I need?
Our Info - PDF that you get as a participant, gives detailed information on health care. Also refer to Recommended Vaccinations
Where will I live?
In Dar-es-Salaam, you can live in a student residence or with a host family. Details are in the tab "Accommodation" on this page.
Can I search for the family myself?
Yes, we will provide you with the options.
How free or bound am I in my accommodation with the host family?
With the host family, you can have your freedom, and do not need to join them during meal times or have any other obligations. If you will return late in the evening, you need to let them know in advance, so that they can unlock the doors for you (which are locked at night for security reasons). Bringing home casual acquaintances is taboo. They look to integrate our participants into their family life, but you can determine to what extent you want to be part of it.
Does my accommodation have internet facilities?
In Tanzania, Internet is accessed via the mobile phone networks. With smartphones, you can use the Internet. For laptops, there are USB modem sticks for about 10 EUR. There are no flat rates; you use data packets, depending on your needs. You might consume 2 GB of data in a week, which costs about 4.50 EUR. In the centers of cities (Moshi Town, Dar-es-Salaam, Mwanza, Zanzibar Town, Karatu, etc.), the connection is good, the speed is satisfactory and sufficient for Skype phone calls. In the suburbs and in the country, there is connection, but usually almost impossible or very slow and unreliable. We will provide you information on the use of mobile Internet in Tanzania.
How can I do my laundry?
In general, laundry is washed by hand in Tanzania. You can ask your landlord or host family if they have someone who can wash your clothes. Usually, someone offers that to you for a small fee. Please ask your local supervisor, what the appropriate thing to do is.
I am a vegetarian. Can I get vegetarian food?
Tanzania is a meat-eating country and Tanzanians do not usually understand that someone who could afford meat and who is not sick, volunteered to give up meat; but the host families are familiar with participants, and understand that some are vegetarians, and prepare appropriate food. In Dar-es-Salaam, there are Indian vegetarian restaurants, with a wide choice of dishes. In the market, there are a wide variety of vegetables and fruits. Special dietary needs (e.g. Vegan, allergies to certain foods) can be expressed to the host families, and many foods are available in the supermarket.
What language skills do I need?
You should be able to make yourself understood in English. The national language of Tanzania is Swahili, but knowledge of English is widespread, especially among people who have a better education or work in tourism. In everyday life, there is usually no problem to be able to communicate in English; if you should come across someone who can not speak English, you can almost immediately find someone who offers to translate in English. If you are in a social project for a longer duration, you will have to deal with people who have little or no education. For this, it is useful to acquire at least a basic knowledge of Swahili before your arrival through any book (or audio CD). You can also take basic Swahili lessons while on site. We also have vocabulary lists with useful words that can help you.
Why is it that meals/accommodation are not provided when I'm not even paid for my internship/volunteering?
In Tanzania, there are just a few hotel accommodations for interns. Non-profit organizations do not have the financial means to provide you such kind of accommodation. Such a thing would also not make much sense, considering the average income in Tanzania. A nurse there earns maybe 200 USD per month and can therefore, make only a modest life. Accommodation and food of the standard expected by interns and most foreign volunteers would cost more than this and make it expensive for the NGO, firmly set up locally to create jobs. Foreign volunteers and interns should not thus, compete for the few jobs available in Tanzania.

Our Partners

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