  • Please select what you would like to do, where and for how long!

Business internships in Ireland

Internship and virtual internship possible
We can arrange supervised business internships with nearly 400 companies in the Dublin, Cork and Galway, for instance in management, administration, human resources, finance, marketing, sales, etc. across various business sectors. You can choose whether to stay with a host family or at a student residence.
This placement is possible as a Remote / Virtual internship from home! Tasks for Remote Interns: By arrangement: All type of business-related tasks that can be carried out online are possible.The remote internship is 600 EUR for the first month and 100 EUR additionally for any additional month or part thereof. Just submit the inquiry/order form form and mention "Remote Internship"!

What is this program about?

The internships are usually with start-ups or medium-sized companies. As an intern, you are involved full-time in day-to-day operations and you will have a qualified internship supervisor. You can tell us your ideas and interests when contacting us and we will suggest a suitable company. There will then be a Skype conversation with the company, during which your exact tasks and working hours will be agreed.
Internships are possible for a period of 2 weeks to 9 months. The internships are not remunerated, but for internships of 3 months and longer, many companies offer benefits such as free lunch, reimbursement of the costs for your local commuter ticket or pocket money.

Examples of business internships in Ireland

German-Irish Marketing Agency - Marketing Internship
The agency represents German companies that sell products in Ireland and Irish companies that are trying to sell their products in Germany and other international markets. Most of these companies are in the food sector. As an intern you can take part in tasks from areas such as market research, online marketing, direct marketing campaigns, public relations, and thus gain practical work experience in an international context.
Software company for the healthcare industry - digital marketing internship
The company develops various software products, assisting clinics and hospitals to manage their internal processes and patient files. Interns can get involved in user interface design, analysis of market niches, Google Adwords campaign management, content creation and marketing collateral. You can also participate in the preparation of trade fair and conference participation and work out the media materials used there.
Financial and tax consulting company - administrative internship
The company advises companies on financial planning and tax matters. As an intern you will be at the company's reception, answer telephone calls, help with administrative tasks such as document management, digitization of documents and write letters and emails.
Internet platform for pet services - customer care and marketing
The company has 17 permanent employees and operates a website that offers services related to pets. You will be part of the customer experience team, answering inquiries from new customers and attending existing customers. This is done via the CRM system, email and telephone. You will write monthly reports on customer feedback and analyze customer data. You will additionally be part of the marketing team and help design local online and offline marketing campaigns (also for Germany or Spain). The entire team meets three times a week and you take part in these team meetings.

What are your working hours?

You are usually full-time (8 hours a day Monday to Friday) with your internship company, just like the other employees of the company.
If you are interested, you can also book English language lessons (either 15 hours/week prior to the start of your your internship or 8 hours/week simultaneously with the internship; you can find details below in the slider "English language lessons").

What prior knowledge do you need?

An intermediate level of English language skills (B1) is required. Otherwise no further previous knowledge is necessary. The internships are aimed at highschool students, school graduates, college/university/vocational training school students (supervision for course credit is possible) as well as professionals who want to improve their practical work experience, international experience and their English language skills.

About the location

Dublin is the capital and the largest city of Ireland with around 1.2 million inhabitants. Dublin is a historic city, but also a leading international economic center. When Ireland's traditional industries such as food processing, textile production, as well as beer breweries and whiskey distilleries slowly but steadily declined in importance, a business-friendly policy since the 1990s has resulted in many international corporations settling in the region, especially from the sectors of pharmaceutical, information and communication technologies. Companies such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, PayPal, Yahoo!, Facebook, Twitter, Accenture and Pfizer have their European headquarters in Dublin in business districts such as the "Digital Hub" and the "Silicon Docks". Due to the presence of these companies, many more start-ups and medium-sized companies have settled in the region.
Info Box
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Location: Dublin, Cork, Galway / Ireland
Availability: all year round; flexible start dates
Minimum Duration: 2 weeks
Maximum Duration: 9 months
Minimum age: 18 years
Required Language Skills: English, at least B1 level
Accommodation: Host family or student residence accommodation. Details in the tab "Accommodation" below
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Supervision possible: Yes
Qualification supervisor: Business professionals
Minimum qualification of intern: None
Remuneration: No
Volunteering possible: No
Required qualification of interns: none
It is expected:
The "right" attitude
You can choose whether to stay with a host family or at a student residence.
Accommodation with a host family includes breakfast and dinner. This will give you an exciting insight into how Irish families live and more opportunities to apply your English skills! You can choose between single room accommodation or sharing a twin room with another foreign intern of the same gender. Our local team members know all of our host families personally! Irish families tend to be very hospitable and open-minded and involve their overseas program participants in their family activities. The family does your laundry too. All families offer WiFi internet.
Alternatively, you can live in a student residence. These are usually modern and new buildings of very high standards in which you have a single room with a private bathroom. There are communal kitchens. Water, electricity and wifi are included. Most of the student residences also have a gym, coin-operated washing machines and offer social events for all residents.
The costs consist of the program costs and the accommodation costs.
The program costs are:
2-12 weeks: 750 EUR
13 or more weeks: 850 EUR
The accommodation costs are:
Room at student residence (self-catering): 240 EUR (Dublin) or 190 EUR (Cork or Galway) per week in a single room or 190 EUR (Dublin) or 160 EUR (Cork or Galway) per person per week in a twin room (which you share with another same-sex foreign intern), or 110 EUR (Cork) in a triple room per person per week
Host family (single room) including breakfast and dinner: Dublin, Galway or Cork 235 EUR per week.

This includes:

  • Individual Consultation and Preparation prior to your arrival
  • Access to the World Unite! Online Resource Centre which has Preparation Materials
  • Pick-up from nearest Airport
  • One-to-one introductory meeting/orientation either on-site or via Zoom / Skype
  • On-site support team
  • One-to-one meeting and evaluation at the end of your internship
  • Host family accommodation including breakfast and dinner (see details in the tab "Accommodation")
  • 24 Hours emergency support by our Irish support team in Dublin
  • Issuance of Confirmations/Certificates for your university, scholarship, insurance, etc. and filling out/signing Internship Contracts for your university

The Rates do NOT include:

  • Travel to/from Ireland
  • Transfer back to Airport on your last day
  • Insurance (Travel Health Insurance, Liability Insurance, Travel Cancellation insurance; you book it on your own, we can assist you)
  • Personal Expenses
  • Vaccinations
  • Lunches

You will fly to Dublin, Cork or Galway Airport from where we will pick you up and take you to your accommodation.
As an extra you can book English language lessons:
  • Online language lessons that you can take e.g. before traveling to Ireland or online in combination with a virtual internship or online while you are in Ireland
  • On-site language lessons at the language school in Dublin, either 15 hours/week before the start of your internship (you can also book a host family for the time of the language lessons) or 8 hours/week while you are doing the internship in Dublin
Both the on-site language students and the online language students take part together in the lessons. The start is possible every Monday for the weekly courses, or every Friday for the conversation workshop.
There are different course offers (same courses and rates for online and on-site lessons):
  • General English 15 hours/week; Monday to Thursday either 8:30 am-12:30pm or 1:00 pm-5:00pm. The price is 170 EUR per week (minimum 1 week)
  • General English 8 hours/week; Monday to Thursday mornings or afternoons. The price is 120 EUR per week (minimum 1 week)
  • Conversation workshop Fridays 9:30 a.m. 120-150 minutes. The price is 30 EUR per workshop.
The language school in Dublin is accredited by ACELS (Advisory Council of English Language Schools). The minimum age to participate is 17 years.
To book English language lessons, just mention in the inquiry/booking form or simply let our consultations team know!

Our Partners

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