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World Unite! in China

In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities, we offer Internships and Working Holiday jobs in English and German teaching, hotel management, and in the media and other industries. Hotel Jobs are also possible on the tropical island of Hainan in the South China Sea. In Beijing and Shanghai we organize Au Pair Programs. In Beijing, you can join Chinese language courses.
The People's Republic of China has developed to a worldwide leading trade partner. Not only is China the "workbench of the world", also as a sales market, China is important - almost all large international company have one or several branches in China. Due to shrinking markets in the Western countries, China as a sales market is something like a lifeline for many Western companies. China is currently the second largest economic power after the US, and according to all forecasts, within very few years it will replace the US as the leading economic power, with a considerable lead.
However, foreign companies often face difficulties in China. China's market and work environment are very complex. Cultural differences are immense and foreign companies suffer from bureaucracy, corruption and strong Chinese competitors.
We organize internships with various companies from many disciplines.
Otherwise, China is one of the oldest civilizations in the world and you can learn with us traditional and contemporary cultural activities as "World Learner". China offers a fascinating variety of landscapes that you can explore while traveling.
Our coordinators in China are a team of Chinese and Europeans.

Locations in China


Beijing has over 20 million inhabitants, is one of the largest cities in the world and the capital of the People's Republic of China.
The city is incredibly dynamic and full of young life and momentum. Many innovative companies and start-ups (both Chinese and foreign) are setting up shop in Beijing. Young people from all over China, at the age of 20 to mid 30's, move to Beijing in search of professional success. In addition, there is a significant number of young people from Eastern and Western Europe, North America and Africa, trying their luck here, either in business or simply spending some time in Beijing.
The nightlife is amazing here, especially during the warmer months: every night, the streets, restaurants, bars and clubs are full of people until the wee hours of the morning. The cost of such nightlife is relatively low. On the streets, you can listen to street musicians, dance publicly, sing karaoke and eat and drink – you will hardly see signs of a communist dictatorship. There are plenty of ultra-modern shopping malls and hip restaurants to which the guests pile in. Beijing is in the midst of an economic miracle and for Beijingers, this means consumption and fun.
Thanks to the Olympic Games of 2008, the city received a modern public transport system that is very inexpensive to use, as well as attractive and well-maintained parks and squares.
Since the 11th century BC, Beijing has been one of the most important cultural centers of the world and full of palaces, temples and historical art treasures with which no other city in the world can compete. The Great Wall, which is visible even from the moon, passes north of the city.


Hainan is a tropical island in the South China Sea, China's southernmost province, also called "the Hawaii of China”.

It is increasingly popular as a holiday destination. Especially around the city of Sanya, there are now many luxury beach resorts and tourist entertainment centers, and also rural tourism and outdoor adventure.

Tourists from many countries, including German, Swiss, Austrian, and several other European countries do not need visas for short holidays in Hainan.

In 2012, 32.4 million Chinese tourists and 816,000 foreign tourists traveled to Hainan.

In Hainan, we offer hotel Internships and Work & Travel jobs in different hotels; accommodation is provided for interns and employees.

Activities in China


We arrange internships at various companies from the subject areas of marketing, PR & Communications, logistics, graphic design, software development, English-language journalism, engineering, art galleries, hotels and tour operators. If you are looking for something in a vertical that is not listed, please contact us.

World Learner

In Beijing, you can to take Chinese lessons.

Working Holiday

We organize well-paying jobs as language teachers for English and other foreign languages, and hotel jobs.

Au Pair

As an Au Pair, you live with a host family and take care of the family's children. We offer Au Pair programs in Beijing and Shanghai.

Read more about our Au Pair programs in China!

Our Partners

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Auslandspraktika Internships Abroad

A wide selection of internships in many countries.

Volunteering Volunteering

Charitable placements worldwide.

World Learner World Learner

Learn your host country's knowledge.

Aktivreisen Active Travel

Your alternative holidays.

Academix Academix

Dissertations, intercultural learning.

Work&Travel Working Holiday

Working Holiday in Japan, China and Germany

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