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World Unite! in Bolivia

Bolivia is a landlocked country in central South America, neighbouring Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Peru and Chile.
Two large and separate ranges of the Andean Mountains traverse the country, reaching altitudes of above 6500 meters (21,300 feet). The central Altiplano highland with altitudes of 3000-4000 meters (10,000-13,000 feet) is located between the two mountain ranges. Even though the Altiplano only makes about around one third of the country's surface, around 80% of all Bolivians are living in this area, which reaches far into the neighbouring Peru. On the highland, you can find the cities of La Paz, Oruro and Potosí, having a cool to moderate mountain climate with large differences of temperature between day and night. Lake Titicaca north-east of La Paz is a famous tourist attraction of the Altiplano.
In the country's east, facing Brazil, one can find the sparsely populated tropical lowland with the dry savannahs of the Gran Chaco and the Amazonian tropical rainforest. The international airport of Santa Cruz is located in this part of the country.
The area between the highland and the lowland has a very comfortable climate. This is where Cochabamba, "the city of eternal spring is located.
Bolivia enjoys a very rich indigenous culture, which is being promoted and protected by the constitution of the "plurinational state". Around 56% of the country's population belong to indigenous communities, particularly Quechua and Aymara.
Our main locations in Bolivia Cochabamba and La Paz. In addition, there are several possibilities in rural areas , both in the highlands and the tropical rainforest of the Yungas.
bolivia map

Locations in Bolivia


With 700,000 inhabitants, Cochabamba is Bolivia's fourth largest city. Today, it merges in the west with Quillacollo, which itself has some 150,000 people. Both cities are nested in the densely populated Valley of Cochabamba, at an altitude of around 2560 meters (8700 feet) above sea level. The fertile valley has a flat bottom, expanding around 25x10 km (15x6 miles), while the framing mountains reach heights of some 5000 meters (16,400 feet). The Valley of Cochabamba enjoys a protected, sunny and moderate climate. The daytime maximums during the whole year are around 23-26 degrees C (73-79 degrees F), while the nighttime minimum oscillates between 13 degrees from October to March and 3 degrees in June and July. Rainy season is from December to March, whereas, there is almost no rain during the rest of the year.
Cochabamba is a city with a lot of youth. In downtown Cochabamba, you find the "Prado", "Plaza Colon" and the botanical garden, modern, green and clean. Cochabamba is home to "La Cancha", one of the largest markets in South America and is overlooked by the "Cristo de la Concordia", the second highest statue of Christ in the world.
Due to its central location in Bolivia, Cochabamba itself is a convenient destination for excursions into the country.

Coordinator in Cochabamba

Our supervisor in Cochabamba is Mauge. Mauge comes from Cochabamba, is an intercultural trainer, and has studied in the US. She speaks fluent English and Spanish.

Recreational Activities in Cochabamba

In Cochabamba, there is an active youth life with bars, clubs, cinemas, etc. because of the 14 universities present.
The city of Oruro can be relatively easily reached by bus. You can visit Oruro's historic mines and the city's famous Carnival, every year in February. During the whole year, there are numerous Christian and indigenous festivals in many villages and cities that you can visit, such as Intiwatana on the 21st of June (Andean midwinter) and Urqupiña in August.
From Cochabamba, we arrange affordable small group excursions, including:
* Day trip to Tunari Nationalpark and climbing Cerro Tunari (5035 m/16,500 feet).
* Day visit of the Inca ruins at Incallajta
* Day trekking trip in the subtropical misty forest of Incachaca
* 3 day trip to Catavi mining area (has socio-historical importance) on the Altiplano highland
* 3 day trip to Chapare into the tropical lowland of Cochabamba - swimming in rivers and hiking in the rain forest
* 3 day trip to Torotoro Nationalpark, including a visit to the Inca ruins and climbing Cerro Tunari

La Paz

La Paz is located at an altitude of around 3600 meters (11,600 feet) within the canyon of the Río Chokeyapue, deeply cutting into the surrounding Altiplano highland. On the highland west of La Paz, the city of El Alto has been built, which during the last years, with more than 1 million people, has grown larger than La Paz; in El Alto you find the international airport of La Paz-El Alto. The difference of altitude between the southern parts of La Paz, which are located further down the canyon, and the upper parts of the valley, is almost 1000 meters (3300 feet), resulting in spectacular views when driving down from El Alto into La Paz.

Coordinator in La Paz

Our coordinator in La Paz is Sandra, a housewife and mother.

Recreational Activities in La Paz

La Paz is a metropolis and offers similar recreational opportunities such as some European cities.
Popular, but also dangerous are Mountain Bike Trips on the "road of death" in the Yungas, a narrow and unpaved mountain range with hundreds of deep chasms. An abstruse spectacle is the wrestling matches of Cholitas, the women who wrestle in traditional indigenous garments, in El Alto. In cooperation with the Center "Vive Bolivia", we offer a variety of courses and cultural activities.

Rural Areas


Mallasa and Jupapina:

The communities Mallasa and Jupapina are around 15 km from the center of La Paz, Bolivia and are well connected by the public transport system. The region is a popular destination for international travelers and for the Paceños (residents of La Paz), who want to escape the city bustle on their weekends or days off. Among the destinations is one of the local Zoos, Mallasa, at which many animals that have been found from illegal animal trade and abusive animal owners are given a new home. People also visit the Valley of the Moon, which is characterized by its bizarre rock formations, as well as the peaks called Muela del Diablo (Devil's tooth), which you can climb. The surrounding hills are among the Andes, extending to a length of 7500 km through the whole of South America.
In Mallasa and Jupapina, there are small shops where you can purchase basic food and hygiene items. There are also a few Internet cafes. For larger purchases, you can easily go to La Paz.
In the communities of Mallasa and Jupapina, you mostly find Indigenous Aymara. Their culture and language is part of the plurinationality of Bolivia. Plurinationality, that is, that the State recognizes different cultures; in Bolivia, 37 of them. The Plurinational State of Bolivia was established after the election of Evo Morales, who is of indigenous origin, as President in 2005; many people of indigenous origin had to previously endure a life of exclusion. The consequences are still felt. Compared to the non- indigenous population, many people of indigenous origin are disadvantaged and are strongly affected by the existing social inequality in Bolivia and by poverty.


To arrive at the village of Huancarani, you have to take the road that goes from the city of Cochabamba to La Paz, and after approximately 25 km, turn left and keep going around 700 meters. In the village, there are a handful of shops where you can buy basic foodstuffs; in about 10 minutes you can walk to an Internet café. For larger purchases, you can go to Sipe Sipe which is running distance of around 30 minutes or you can take public transportation to Quillacollo (about 10 km) or directly to Cochabamba, which, depending on traffic conditions is around 40-60 minutes by public transport.
In Huancarani there are about 70 families, living sometimes in very simple houses with reduced water and electricity supply. Many of the inhabitants are of indigenous origin and belong to the Quechua. Their language, Quechua, is everyday language in Huancarani and some residents have little or no formal knowledge of Spanish. Culture and language of Quechua is part of the plurinationality of Bolivia.


Achocalla is a small town with about 18,500 inhabitants, 20 km southwest of La Paz, situated at an altitude of 3762 m. The municipality (county) itself is named Achocalla. To the east, there are views of the imposing Andean peaks of the Cordillera Real, including its highest peak, the Illimani (6438 m). Due to its proximity to La Paz, this rural area can easily be reached by public transport from the city.


Sapecho is located at a distance of 229 kilometers northeast of La Paz, and is the capital of the Sud Yungas province. It is at an altitude of 414 m on the right bank of the Alto Beni, just below the mouth of the Río Boopi. In the village, there is electricity and an internet café. There are around 100 families living there. There are only small shops selling basic products such as oil, rice, soap, dry biscuits, etc. There is in Palos Blancos, a slightly larger village (just 15 minutes by car or motorcycle from Sapecho), a hospital with basic medical services

Activities in Bolivia

Internships & Volunteering

In Cochabamba, the "City of Eternal Spring", we offer a wide range of voluntary work and internships in the areas of welfare, education, medicine, nursing, environmental protection and others. In La Paz, there are applications in the fields of human rights, medicine, psychology, tourism, media and culture . In rural areas, there are options in development, agriculture, child care, education, working with animals like horses and Sustainable Tourism .
The plurinationality of Bolivia makes the projects there even more exciting: In the communities Mallasa and Jupapina, near La Paz, you can work in the areas of childcare, teaching, community work, with animals in the local zoo, in horse therapy for children and youth with disabilities and behavioral problems, as well as, sustainable Tourism and PR . In the indigenous village Huancarani in Cochabamba, you can teach at kindergartens and schools and work in Agriculture . Farm Work is also possible in Achocalla in La Paz and in Sapecho, in the tropical rainforest of Jungas.
You can find all the internship and volunteering projects in Bolivia in the main menu at the top of this page or using the Activity Finder.

Active Travel

We offer stays and activities with indigenous communities and various Voluntourism programs . Due to our good links with numerous local NGOs, government institutions and private organizations, and because we are at the same time, logistical service providers (transport, accommodation, guides), we are the ideal partner for Group Study Tours and Special Interest programs in Bolivia.

World Learner

Language Training in Spanish and indigenous languages, ​​Quechua and Aymara are available in both Cochabamba and La Paz. We recommend interns and volunteers to improve their Spanish language skills by participating in language training.
You find more World Learner options in Bolivia in the main menu above or using the Activity Finder.


Theses Abroad are possible in a variety of subject areas in Bolivia, where we can assist you because of our good connections with NGOs, government and private institutions. 

Discover The Country

Almost all of our participants also travel around to get to know their host country, Bolivia. As World Unite! participants, we offer you interesting excursions.

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Auslandspraktika Internships Abroad

A wide selection of internships in many countries.

Volunteering Volunteering

Charitable placements worldwide.

World Learner World Learner

Learn your host country's knowledge.

Aktivreisen Active Travel

Your alternative holidays.

Academix Academix

Dissertations, intercultural learning.

Work&Travel Working Holiday

Working Holiday in Japan, China and Germany

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