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Psychology Internship in Jodhpur

On-site and remote internship possible
Dr. Reena Bhansali, a clinical psychologist, offers supervised psychology internships in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Interns mainly analyze case studies from Dr. Bhansali’s practice. The remaining hours of the day, interns help out in projects of women’s and girl’s empowerment run by the NGO Sambhali Trust.
This placement is possible as a Remote / Virtual internship from home! The Tasks for Remote Interns are the same as for the interns on site. Remote interns will be supervised by Dr. Bhansali. The remote internship is 450 EUR for the first month and 100 EUR additionally for any additional month or part thereof. Just submit the inquiry/order form form and mention "Remote Internship"!

What does your placement organisation do?

Dr. Reena Bhansali works closely with Sambhali Trust, an NGO located in Jodhpur and Setrawa (Rajasthan). Sambhali Trust aims to strengthen the position of socially deprived women and girls in society and focuses its work mainly on women within the Dalit communities, who experience three levels of discrimination based on their caste, their economic situation and their gender.
Dr. Bhansali runs her own clinic "Smile Juncion", offering general psychological counseling. For reasons of privacy, interns cannot join the sessions with the patients at the practice, but Dr. Bhansali discusses the cases with interns during a weekly supervision session (usually on Saturdays) and gives you interesting tasks.
The clinic is usually open from Monday to Friday from about 05:30 pm-07:30 pm.

How can you get involved?

Interns mainly work on case studies during the opening hours of the clinic that Dr. Bhansali chooses for them. If you would like to focus on special cases, you can inform Dr. Bhansali about your field of interest and she will choose the case studies accordingly. The purpose of this internship is to train your counseling skills. During the weekly supervision session, you will discuss the cases together with Dr. Bhansali, as well as related psychological theories. You should learn to recognize problems and patient's specific disorders and learn to propose therapy methods. Within a month you will work on around 10-15 cases with different levels of complexity. The aim is also to integrate the cultural side of the cases into the analysis.
Since psychological counseling in Rajasthan is not widespread, there are hardly any specialized psychological counselors and psychologists usually handle all types of disorders. Dr. Bhansali is therefore able to provide a wide range of case studies. Dr. Bhansali is Counseling Psychologist (PhD), holds a degree in Human Development (MSc), as well as a diploma in criminal psychology.
Participants who wish to write a scientific thesis in the field of psychology are also welcome to Dr. Bhansali’s practice and may include her case studies in their research, subject to the condition that privacy and anonymity of the patients will be preserved.
This internship is particularly suitable if you are willing and able to work proactively and independently. Participants are advised to bring a laptop computer for research and working on the case studies.
For Dr. Bhansali's tutoring a fee applies, depending of the duration of your internship (please see below). Additionally there are daily transport costs (auto-rickshaw) of 140 Rupees (around 1.60 EUR/2.20 USD) to Dr. Bhansali's clinic and back.
In the slider "More Info" below you will find reports from former interns at Sambhali Trust and Dr. Bhansali.
You can find the information about the projects of Sambhali Trust here, where you will intern for the remaining hours of the day.
Info Box
Location: Jodhpur, Rajasthan/India
Availability: All year, Start date flexible
Minimum Duration: 1 Month
Maximum Duration: 12 Months
Language Requirements: English
Guest House
Supervision Possible: Yes
Qualification Of Supervisor: Psychologist
Minimum Qualification Of Intern:
Further Contribution To Project: Yes, 1 Month Rs. 6000; 2 Months 12,000 Rs; 3-4 Months Rs. 18,000; 5-6 Months Rs. 30,000
Volunteering Possible: Yes
Required Qualification For Volunteer: Psychology Expert
Further Contribution To Project: None
Professional Conduct, Do you have the "right" attitude?

Review of Sonja, psychology intern with Dr. Bhansali

I am doing a 50% internship with Dr. Bhansali and spend the rest of the time volunteering in the different projects of Sambhali Trust. There is plenty of work for psychologists and Dr. Bhansali is kindly giving me advice on how to address the specific issues of the children and women in the projects. Also, I am working on the Sambhali No Bad Touch Project which is a prevention campaign dealing with sexual child abuse. This covers a standard 8 hour work day.
At her clinic, Dr. Bhansali treats children with learning disabilities and she is a counselor for private clients with diverse psychological issues. Interns are not able to sit in with the therapy sessions as this disturbs the privacy policy of her practice. However, she will discuss her cases with the intern and provide interesting writing tasks. I am doing this internship right now and I strongly recommend it for psychology students who are interested in learning about the life of a psychologist working in a private practice in India. It was very inspiring to meet Dr. Bhansali and I thoroughly enjoy the professional and cultural exchange with her. In spite of this, interns who specifically want to do direct practical work with psychological clients (in the way it is done in psychiatric hospitals) should choose another internship as this is not possible with Dr. Bhansali.
I am gaining very valuable working experiences here and I am very thankful to have found this internship with Sambhali. I hope that future psychology interns will be able to go through the same experiences thanks to the support from World Unite. Kindest regards and thank you very much for bringing me to this wonderful organization.

Internship report by Nicole

For my Masters degree in Psychology I needed to do an internship under the supervision of a Psychologist. As I am very interested in getting to know new cultures, I thought I might as well go to India for this purpose – and wasn’t that just the best I could do!

Via the website, I found Dr. Bhansali and learned about her practice and work at Smile Junction. During the five weeks of working for her, I gained an important insight of her work as a counselor. I was mostly working on case studies, which was very helpful in understanding the psychological issues of her clients. In this context, I also had the opportunity of talking to some of them, which helped in getting a better insight of their issues. During my final week I helped in compiling a list of symptoms of psychological disorders for Dr. Bhansali’s work as a teacher for students who want to become a counselor.

I am very thankful that Dr. Bhansali trusted me with the tasks given as this way I could reach a great understanding not only about general psychology, but also a lot about the Indian culture and its social structures. I really enjoyed working at Smile Junction and always felt very welcomed.
Unfortunately time flew by way too fast and as soon as I felt familiarized not only with living in India but also with the daily routine at Smile Junction, I already had to say good bye and had to leave this world, in which there are still so many things to discover.
To sum up the experiences of my intership at Smile Junction, I’d like to say, that I had a fantastic time and learned a lot about the Indian culture, global psychological issues and how to properly bargain with a rickshaw driver.
As a recommendation for any successional interns: stay at least for two months (if not even’s definitely worth it!).
Many thanks to Dr. Bhansali and Sapna! It was great working with you!

Internship report by Sarah

I am in my last week of volunteering with Sambhali Trust. I am sad that my time here is almost over and I wish I could stay longer! Even so, I am happy with what I was able to accomplish while I was here. I didn’t imagine before I arrived that so much could be done in only two short months!
I worked on three projects during my stay in Jodhpur. The first one was Sisters for Sisters, a project at a local home for girls age 0-18 who are orphaned or come from troubled families. This project was the most emotional for me because the living situation for the girls is very difficult. The hygiene and general health conditions of the home are poor. There are also several girls who struggle with undiagnosed learning disabilities and mental illness. As a psychology student I wanted to do more to help these girls but the project is limited in its outreach because it is a government-run home and Sambhali is not allowed to provide this type of service for the children. However, I think the volunteers’ presence in the home has a positive impact on the girls. Sambhali provides a Hindi speaking staff member to help the older girls with their homework and the foreign volunteers help the younger ones with basic English and math. We also play games and do arts and crafts with the girls after their lessons are complete. Lice treatments were also given to the girls, which is a challenging but necessary task. The girls continue to ask for these treatments, so even though it is difficult, it is good to know they appreciate what we are doing for them. The Sambhali volunteers have also given hygiene and cultural workshops for the girls, although we did not do one in the two months I was here. I would encourage the current and future volunteers to plan more workshops and creative arts and crafts activities for the girls because it will teach them skills that they are not learning at the home. Despite the difficulties and strong emotions involved with the Sisters for Sisters project, I have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with these girls and will miss seeing them every day!
The second project I worked on was “No Bad Touch – Child Abuse Awareness and Education”, which is a new Sambhali project to fight against child sexual abuse. This project was created this summer and I am very proud to have been a part of launching this exciting campaign! Govind, the founder and managing trustee of Sambhali pitched the idea to me on my first night in Jodhpur and I was in awe at how quickly the project developed. We had a community wide workshop on July 17 with many local dignitaries and community leaders in attendance. Our goal for the workshop was to raise awareness, discuss the issue, and gather support for the campaign, which will bring workshops to schools and children’s homes to teach children how to be safe from sexual abuse. The workshops will teach kids about good and bad touch, that is, which parts of their bodies are private and what to do if someone touches them inappropriately. The campaign also has the goal to train teachers how to talk to children and their parents so that the No Bad Touch workshops can be repeated in schools and at home every six months. The third goal for the No Bad Touch project is to bring regular workshops to government leaders and dignitaries so that there will be support to implement workshops in schools and children’s homes across Rajasthan. We did three workshops at the Sambhali projects in the last two months, the first one at the Sambhali Sheerni Educational Centre boarding home for girls age 6-12, then two workshops at the Jodhpur Empowerment Center for teenage girls and women of all ages.
Another exciting part of the No Bad Touch project was just created last week. Sambhali will also open a phone helpline for families whose children have suffered from sexual abuse. Families will be able to call and get medical, psychological, legal, and other professional help as needed to treat and bring justice to their children who have been abused. Such a resource will be invaluable to many families who cannot afford professional help. I created several administrative documents for the helpline, including a client intake questionnaire, call-in log, client confidentiality and consent form, and employee confidentiality agreement. These forms will be used by Sambhali staff to gather information from people who call the helpline and come to the office for assistance. The staff will then have a thorough package of information and can refer clients to professionals in the community for help.
Sambhali plans to continue the No Bad Touch campaign as a permanent Sambhali project and is currently seeking funding to run the project full time. I have also been responsible for researching funding sources and grant writing for No Bad Touch. This is easily the most boring work I’ve done here, but it is also one of the most important tasks! Without funding it will be difficult for this project to develop and make a strong impact. I am confident that Sambhali will be able to find donors to support such an important campaign! It is exciting to see a new project develop and grow in my time here. I’m looking forward to hearing how this project progresses in the future because so many children and families can benefit from this project.
During my time with Sambhali, I was officially a psychology intern not a regular volunteer. This means that I had the chance to do work related to psychology that was separate from the other volunteer projects. I worked with a local psychologist, Dr. Reena Bhansali, on the No Bad Touch project and spent time at her office several nights a week. While at her office I had the opportunity to work with one of her clients, a nine-year-old girl. I had four sessions, three with the child and one with her mother. Dr. Bhansali introduced me to the client, then I spent some time researching and planning a strategy for the sessions before I met with them again. Dr. Bhansali gave me the freedom to plan and hold the sessions independently, which was valuable because I could give therapy like I will in the future as a licensed psychologist. Since Dr. Bhansali did not sit in on the sessions, I felt more comfortable and was more relaxed than I might have been under close supervision. However, this internship was much different than internships in Western countries. Most interns in the West on more closely supervised, interact with more clients and have more structured responsibilities in the office. These differences were an adjustment at first, but my interaction with Dr. Bhansali was always positive and I learned a lot from our meetings together and my experience working with her client.
I am glad I chose to spend my summer in Jodhpur with Sambhali Trust. I have had a more amazing experience than I even anticipated! The staff and volunteers with the trust have become good friends and I am continually inspired by their hard work and dedication to women’s empowerment in India. I am honored to have met the girls and women of the projects who are working so hard to improve their lives. I would recommend that everyone try volunteering abroad and this organization is a great place to do it. I hope to return some time in the future and will continue to support the work of Sambhali Trust in any way I can from abroad.

Accommodation in Jodhpur and Setrawa



Guest House in Jodhpur:

Accommodation in Jodhpur is at a guest house of high standard, which is run by our partner Sambhali Trust, and where more volunteers/interns live. There are single and double rooms on the ground floor and the first floor with ceiling fans and/or Indian cooler. All rooms have a private bathroom. Our participants get full boarding (3 meals a day) + free drinking water. Wifi is also included. There is also access to a complementary washing machine, iron board, refrigerator, and house kitchen. Linen and towels are provided at no extra cost. If the house is fully occupied, we organize a homestay in Jodhpur.

Acccommodation in Setrawa:

In Setrawa (village in the Thar Desert), our participants live in a house of simple standard with full boarding. The local Indian food is cooked by a neighborhood woman. In the neighborhood there is also telephone and wifi internet. During the hot months (March-October), with daytime highs between 40 and 50 degrees Celsius (100-122 Fahrenheit) and night temperatures of about 24-30 degrees (75-86 F), participants in Jodhpur and Setrawa often sleep on the roof.
Volunteers in Setrawa also often drive on the weekends to Jodphur, where there are accommodation costs of about 450-600 Rs/night; so the total cost per month for bus, accommodation and food should be expected to be slightly higher.

I. World Unite! Service Package

Mobile/Cell Phone Users: If you don't see the rates for your desired duration of stay, hide other (shorter) durations of stay.
  up to 31 Days
32-60 Days
61-90 Days
91-120 Days
5 Months or longer
 wu servicepackage
1 Person
450 EUR 600 EUR 700 EUR 750 EUR 850 EUR
2-4 Persons
(Rate per Person)
400 EUR 500 EUR 600 EUR 650 EUR 700 EUR
Convert rates to USD, GBP, CAD, AUD and other currencies

The World Unite! Service Package includes:

  • Individual Consultation and Preparation prior to your arrival
  • Access to the World Unite! Online Resource Centre which has Preparation Materials including Intercultural Preparation, compiled particularly for your destination (PDFs, Videos)
  • Preparation Session via Skype, together with further participants
  • Arrangements of the Documents you need for your Visa Application and assistance with local registration (if required) but not the official government fees for the visa (See costs below)
  • Pick-up and Transfers from/to Jodhpur Airport (JDH) on arrival and departure
  • Personal support staff at your location and at our international office
  • Orientation and Introduction in Jodhpur
  • Accompanying you to your placement on your first day. This is done by long-term volunteers, the so called "volunteer coordinators" who will also introduce you to your project work
  • 24 Hours emergency support by local support team
  • Local SIM Card with 600 Rs. airtime credit
  • Issuance of Confirmations/Certificates for your university, scholarship, insurance, etc. and filling out/signing Internship Contracts for your university
  • Donation of 50 USD (in domestic currency) to your placement organization (in case of charitable organizations)
  • Costs for 10 seedlings of indigenous trees that we plant on the slopes of Kilimanjaro

The Rates do NOT include:

  • Accommodation and Meals (see below)
  • Travel to/from Jodhpur (you book it on your own; we can assist you)
  • Official fees for Visa (see below)
  • Insurance (Travel Health Insurance, Liability Insurance, Travel Cancellation insurance; you book it on your own, we can assist you)
  • Personal Expenses
  • Vaccinations
  • Local Transport (Estimated amounts see below)
  • Please note that for supervised/mentored internships, some organizations charge further contributions. You find this information in the "Info Box" below the respective internship description.

II. Accommodation Costs

You can choose between the following options:
Mobile/Cell Phone Users: If you don't see the rates for your desired duration of stay, hide other (shorter) durations of stay.
Rates in Indian Rupees! Convert Currency Short-time stay
(1-31 Days)
Long-time stay
(32-365 Day)
(You pay proportionally per day)
In Jodhpur
Guest House on Full Board
1 Person*
(Single Room)
32,000 Rs/Month
2 Persons p.p.*
(Double/Twin Room)
- 22,000 Rs/Month
Bed at a 4-share dorm room   15,000 Rs/Month
In Setrawa
House of Simple Standard
on Full Board
1 Person
(Sharing double room)
- 12,000 Rs/Month
2 Persons p.p.
(Double/Twin Room)
- 12,000 Rs/Month
If available, also single persons might choose to be accommodated sharing with another participant. For incomplete months you pay proportionally per day.
In case of 3-4 person: Same rate as in case of 2 Persons. 5 or more persons: Contact us for group rates.

Overview of other costs:

  • Visa around 130 EUR (160 USD); to apply for prior to your travel
  • Insurances around 20-40 EUR (30-50 USD)/Month

How do I pay?

Once all your questions have been answered and you confirm that you want to participate, we will email you an invoice. You can pay it via bank transfer, credit card or via Paypal. You will pay a deposit of 200 EUR / 250 USD when the invoice is issued. One months prior to your arrival you will pay the remainder for your Service Package.
The payment modalities for rent and possible further costs (e.g. internship supervision fees, as stated in info box of the respective project description) depend on your host country and placement. We will inform you beforehand. In many cases these costs are paid on site, but for some countries and placements they need to be paid partially or fully in advance.

Other Projects That Might Interest You:

These projects are suggestions for alternatives that may interest you or those that could be chosen as COMBINATIONS. The combination of projects in different organizations is often possible and usually cheaper than two individual bookings. Please contact us to know more! Check out our other listings in the areas of "World Learner" and "Active Travel" at your travel destination to make your stay even more interesting.

Travel Health Insurance

We recommend the following travel insurance that is meant specifically for participants of internships, volunteering, language study, working holiday, and courses abroad. It is available for travelers of all nationalities and usable for all countries, except your home country. You can also add a journey liability insurance.
Just click on the link, fill in the form and you will get a confirmation email.

Rajasthan - The Land of the Kings

Rajasthan is located in the North-West of India and means "Land of the Kings". More than 2500 years ago, tribes built cities, and kingdoms were formed, which existed until the British colonial time in the 19th century. The largest state of India, in terms of area, is determined by the landscapes of the Thar Desert and the Aravalli Range, which are rich in forts and palaces of the Rajput kings. Due to its natural beauty and cultural heritage, Rajasthan is today, one of India's most popular travel destinations. Jaipur is part of the so-called "Golden Triangle", consisting of the cities of Agra (Taj Mahal), Delhi and Jaipur, which is part of every round trip in northern India.
Jaipur is known as the "Pink City" due to the dominant color of its buildings. The 3 million-people city has numerous forts, palaces and temples. Jaipur is also known for its jewelry industry. More than 14,000 people produce jewelery made of metal, stone and rubber lacquer, typically at small backyard workshops, which are sold all over the world.
Jodhpur is called the "blue city" due to the colour of its houses. The city is overlooked by the mighty Meherangarh Fort. There is also a university in Jodhpur.
Setrawa is a village in the Thar desert, located around 100 km north of Jodhpur. A problem in Rajasthan is the scarcity of water. In the Thar desert, the only annual rains pour down in the form of heavy thunderstorms during the months of July to September, when temperatures normally go up to 50 degree Celsius. Traditionally, the water of these hot summer months are stored in ponds that are the shape of a half moon, called Johad. In the patriarchal society of the rural regions, women are denied access to education and social life.

Our Coordinator in Rajasthan

In Jaipur, Hasmik with her team will welcome you and provide support for you. In Jodphur and Setrawa our coordinator is Govind from Sambhali Trust.

Recreational Activities in Rajasthan

Jaipur and Jodhpur can count with a large number of forts, palaces, temples, historical and natural history museums, and gardens and parks that you can visit. At both cities you can also take part in yoga classes, cooking lessons, Indian dance session, and join other cultural activities.
It is of course also recommended to travel around other parts of Rajasthan.

Music Video with the girls of Sambhali Trust in Jodhpur

In this music video, shot on the streets of Jodhpur, the girls of Sambhali Trust (with whom we arrange volunteering) sing and play. It communicates very well the mood of the city of Jodhpur!

Video of Setrawa/Sambhali Trust

Karina and Kerry, volunteers from South Africa, speak about their experience in the school of Sambhali Trust in the desert village of Setrawa. They also tell about life in the village.

Getting To Jaipur, Jodhpur and Setrawa

india map
Jaipur: Jaipur has a large international airport. It is best if you book your flight directly there. From Jaipur Airport (JAI) our local team will pick you up and bring you to your accommodation in Jaipur.
Jodhpur: You book a flight to Jodhpur (JDH) where you will be picked up from the airport by our local team and taken to your accommodation in Jodhpur.
Setrawa: You will book a flight to Jodhpur (JDH) where you will be picked up from the airport by our local team. You willI spend the first 1-2 days in Jodhpur, where you get an introduction and will then be driven to Setrawa.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are there fixed start dates for the project, which I must adhere to?
No, you can arrive at any date and you can hence, plan your trip according to your availability and the prices of flights. You may want to avoid travelling during the festival holidays of Holi and Diwali. We can pick you up from Jodhpur airport even at night. If your project is in Setrawa, you may spend the first couple of nights in Jodhpur for an induction.
Can I stay longer at my accommodation after my volunteering/internship or arrive earlier?
Yes, this is possible and we will give you our best rates. Just let us know when you arrive and leave and we will let you know the costs.
During my stay, can I travel around the country?
Of course, you can do this - most of our participants do so. However, when the travel destination is too far away, it may not be possible over a weekend; these, we would recommend you keep for before the projects begins or after the completion or during holidays. In India, it is possible to travel around with an Internship visa.
When is the rainy season and can I travel to India during this time?
The monsoon begins in early June in Kerala, Mumbai, in mid-June and the Himalayan region, early to mid-July and ends in September. The Thar Desert in Rajasthan (location Setrawa), barely gets rain during the monsoon and Jodhpur is rather dry.
During the monsoon, it usually rains heavily for several hours every day. As a result, there are often floods in the streets of the cities, because the drains cannot absorb the amounts of water. An internship or volunteering is possible during the monsoon, and the only nuisance will probably be wet clothes and shoes, which are often difficult to dry because of the high humidity. You might want to carry a few extra shoes and a change of clothes with you (or buy them locally). You can even buy an umbrella or a raincoat locally. An advantage to traveling during the monsoon, is that the fares are cheaper and accommodation during the off season is cheaper.
Can I travel to India as a young woman alone? The media constantly reports of rape - how high is the risk?
For decades, India has been a safe country for women and now the impression, given by the media, is that the number of rapes has skyrocketed and India is unsafe for women. More cases are coming into light now, as women previously would not speak about rape, but are now empowered to do so. Compared to the number of cases in relation to the huge population of India (almost twice as many as the whole of Europe), even if projections of unreported cases are included, there is much less rape than in many other countries. There are 2 cases that happen per 100,000 inhabitants in India (in comparison: Central Europe: 8.1 cases; 14.7 cases in Latin America; 28.6 cases per 100,000 population in the US).
Of course you have to be careful as a woman, as far as the style of dressing and dealing with local men are concerned. In schools, boys and girls are often strictly separated and many young men have no experience in dealing with women who are not their own mother or sisters; your behavior, based on dealing with Western men, might be misinterpreted as “easy” or “loose” behaviour.
Will I be the only volunteer/intern in the project or in Jodhpur?
Sambhali Trust is our only project option in Jodhpur. Here, there are several other Organizations that provide interns and volunteers and so, there will always be others who you can share an accommodation with in Jodhpur or Setrawa.
What vaccinations do I need?
Our Info - PDF that you get as a participant, gives detailed information on health care. Also refer to Recommended Vaccinations
Where will I live?
You find housing options in the tab "Accommodation".
Does my accommodation have internet facilities?
Yes, there is wifi internet at the guest house in Jodhpur. In Setrawa, internet can be shared from a neighbouring house.
How can I do my laundry?
There are many laundromats in Jodhpur that wash clothes by hand and neatly iron them for a price per unit (e.g. trousers, shirts, sheets, towels, etc.). It is best to ask around for a good laundromat and negotiate rates, especially if you have a lot of laundry to be done on a regular basis. In Setrawa, you can ask at your accommodation, for someone who will do the laundry for a fee.
Can I cook in the accommodation?
No, but food is included at the accommodations.
I am a vegetarian. Can I get vegetarian food?
Yes, India is a paradise for vegetarians. Almost all restaurants are clearly marked, whether they are vegetarian ("Veg") or not ("Non-Veg"), and there are separate menus. About 40% of Indians are vegetarians.
What language skills do I require?
You must be able to understand and make yourself understood in English.

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