"Choose a job that you love and you will never have to work a day."
The World Unite! Career Counseling Test
About one third of our life is spent with work. Isn't it then, important to find the job that is most suited for you - the one that brings out the best in you and that you find fulfilment in?
That is exactly what we aim to do with our aptitude test and career counselling.
World Unite! offers the most comprehensive and most scientifically founded career counseling test you will find. It includes 5 industry-leading psychological tests, that are evaluated individually for you by an occupational psychologist. You will get an individual report with the test results and career recommendations.
Completing the test takes 6 hours and the cost is 149 EUR. Rest assured that it is 6 hours and an amount well spent. After all, what could be more worth the while if it means choosing the right career path?!
Why take the test?
- The test gives you a guideline by which you choose your specialisation, based on your strengths
- You understand your strengths better and learn how to make better use of them
- You might identify areas where improvement might increase your job success and satisfaction
- You stand a chance to choose a career that will be fulfilling in the long run
Who is the test for?
The test is not only for school graduates, who have a career choice to make, but for people of any age. Do you study the right thing? Are you in the right job? Is there a job that would suit you better and give you more work satisfaction? It is never too late to find out and make that change you might desperately require!
How to take the test:
After you complete the payment, you get access to 5 test (see details below), which you complete and email back to us. It takes around 6 hours to complete all the tests (you don't need to complete them all in a row). The completed tests are then analysed by occupational psychologists and a report profile generated, highlighting the three best careers, the areas of strength, the areas of concern and the remedies for the same. The profile will be emailed to you within 48 hours* and you can then without further cost send in further queries or call our counsellors for any clarifications required.*
Details about the test:
The 5 Tests:
1) Nelson GATB (General Aptitude Test)
The GATB measures nine distinct aptitudes using 12 separate tasks, including General Learning Ability, Verbal Aptitude, Numerical Aptitude, Spatial Aptitude, Form Perception, Clerical Perception, Motor Co-ordination, Finger Dexterity and Manual Dexterity.
2) OTIS Verbaler Intelligence Test
3) RAVEN's Progressives Matrices
Raven's Progressive Matrices is a nonverbal test made of 60 multiple choice questions, listed in order of difficulty. This format is designed to measure the test-taker's reasoning ability. In each test item, the subject is asked to identify the missing element that completes a pattern.
4) Kuder Occupational Interest Test
The Kuder Occupational Interest Survey measures broad areas of interest: Outdoor, Mechanical, Clerical, Computational, Scientific, Literary, Social Service, Persuasive, Artistic, and Musical. There are 100 forced-choice triads where the respondent indicates the most-preferred and the least-preferred activity, leaving the intermediate choice blank. The respondent's choices will then be compared with those of people in certain professions, and with college students in different majors.
5) Catell’s 16 Factor Personality Questionnaire
The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (or 16PF) is a multiple-choice personality questionnaire which was developed over several decades of research. The questionnaire measures the 16 primary traits, and the Big Five secondary traits, which have become popularized by many authors in recent years. The 16PF test gives scores on both the five second-order global traits which provide an overview of personality at a broader, conceptual level, as well as on the more-numerous and precise primary traits, which give a picture of the richness and complexity of each unique personality. The test has also been translated into over 30 languages and is widely used internationally.
The results of the 5 test will be matched with a database of 800 career paths.
You will get a personalized 14 pages report, which contains:
- The results of the 5 tests with explanations about their meaning and relevance
- 3 concrete recommendations about your career path and suitable courses of study
- Identification of areas where training could improve your career success and recommendations about how to address these areas. The areas include for instance assertive skills, conflict management, decision making, emotional management, self confidence, self control, self introspection, stress management, team player ability.
The test, its analysis and the report are of highest professional standard. A matrix of industry-leading tests that are only administered by licensed occupational psychologists, are individually evaluated for you.
Take the test now!
- After your payment with Paypal, you will get access to the 5 tests to fill, along with instructions
- You email the tests back to us
- You receive your personal report as a PDF after a maximum of 48 hours*
*Please note: There might be longer processing times during public holidays in India.