  • Please select what you would like to do, where and for how long!

Virtual Internships: Business, Finance, Marketing

onlineinternship business

Remote internships that are also available as on-site internships:


Further Remote Business Internships:


Business and Finance Consulting Firm in Tanzania

Remote internship with a finance and business consulting company based in Daressalam/Tanzania, focussing on investment, strategic business planning and set-up, organization restructuring, operations management consultation and investment performance evaluation. Many clients of the consulting firm are international agri-businesses and pharmaceutical companies doing or wanting to do business in East Africa.
As an intern with the finance and business consulting company in Tanzania, you can get insights into real consulting projects and work with your qualified and experienced supervisor on topics such as:
  • manage investment projects from inception to completion, including business set up and businessplan/proposal write up
  • carry out departmental or company goals, policies and procedures
  • perform investment valuation analysis and provide investment advisory services to clients
  • perform Environmental Impacts Assessment (EIA) and feasibility studies for new investment projects / businesses
  • perform consultation services and technical capacity building to executives, staff and members of other institutions
  • analyse financial statements, sales reports, other key performance indicators and preparation of accounts reports
  • Work on branding and promotion strategies
You can learn:
  • about business innovation, creativity and coping up with the new technologies in a quickly developing country
  • to provide business and investment consultation services
  • to understand challenges of international companies doing business in East Africa
  • understand financial performance indicators
  • to understand about Environmental Impact Assessment
To book or send an inquiry, simply fill the inquiry/order form and write "Remote internship Business Tanzania" in the comment box!

Remote internship with German Chambers of Commerce in Latin America

As this remote internship requires native-level German language skills, please see the description of this internships in German language.
Die Praktika sind immer von einer Dauer von 4-6 Monaten und können nur die Startdaten begonnen werden, wenn ein neue(r) Praktikant/in von der/dem Vorgänger/in übernimmt.
Die Praktika richten sich an Studierende oder Absolventen eines Studiums der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, sozialwissenschaften oder verwandeten Fachrichtungen. Neben Deutschkenntnissen auf Muttersprachniveau werden Spanischkenntnisse auf mindestens B1-Niveau werden erwartet ebenso wie Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Teamgeist, Kreativität, selbstbewusstes Auftreten und Kommunikationskompetenz in einem interkulturellen Umfeld.
  • Planung und Durchführung von Online-Events und Webinaren
  • Betreuung der Events und Webinare von Anmeldung bis Nachbearbeitung
  • Planung und Durchführung von E-Mail-Marketing-Kampagnen
  • Hilfe bei Führung des Mitgliederverzeichnisses der AHK
  • Verfassen und Ausarbeiten von Informationsmaterialien
  • Akquise von Neumitgliedern
  • Koordination von Praktikant/innen der Mitgliederabteilung
  • Unterstützung der Marketingabteilung (Übersetzungen, administrative Tätigkeiten, interne und externe Kommunikation)
Zum Buchen/Anfragen einfach das Anfrage-/Bestellformular ausfüllen und "AHK Lateinamerika" in der Kommentarbox eingeben!

The costs for remote internships are:

  • 450 EUR / 550 USD for a remote/online internship of up to 1 month (except for Japan, Ireland, Malta and AHK Latin America); any additional month or part thereof 100 EUR / 120 USD extra
  • Short-term virtual/remote internships are possible with our offers from Tanzania: 1 week 250 EUR/300 USD, 2 weeks 350 EUR / 430 USD
  • Ireland and Malta: 600 EUR / 730 USD for the first month + 50 EUR / 60 USD for any additional month or part thereof
  • Japan: Business Internship: 600 EUR / 730 USD for the first month + 300 EUR / 360 USD for any additional month or part thereof. Education and Bear Conservation: One-time fee 600 EUR / 730 USD for the first month + 100 EUR / 120 USD for any additional month or part thereof.
  • AHK Latin America: One-time fee of 450 EUR / 550 USD
This includes:
  • Support with your resume, preparation for a Skype/zoom interview
  • Arrangement of the remote/online internship. All internship companies/organisations are known to us and have already had many interns on site!
  • Internship supervision by a qualified and experienced team member of the internship organization
  • Custom-made internship plan considering your aims, targets, tasks and schedule
  • Intercultural preparation videos and documents, specifically made for the country of your internship
  • Support regarding remote work, self-motivation, self-organization and international career advice
  • Issuing an internship certificate / Filling documents for your university/college etc.
  • All financial contributions to the internship company for the supervision - no further contributions need to be paid.
 General Information about our Remote Internships.

Our Partners

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Auslandspraktika Internships Abroad

A wide selection of internships in many countries.

Volunteering Volunteering

Charitable placements worldwide.

World Learner World Learner

Learn your host country's knowledge.

Aktivreisen Active Travel

Your alternative holidays.

Academix Academix

Dissertations, intercultural learning.

Work&Travel Working Holiday

Working Holiday in Japan, China and Germany

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