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Music Academy Bejt al Musica

Praktikum und Volunteering möglich
Volunteers and music teacher-trainees can teach at the School of Music, where they have all musical instruments and guidance, and can also participate in musical groups; they can also teach music theory and music education.

Project Details

The Music School, Beit Al Musica in Shefa-Amer, was founded in 1999 to preserve the musical culture of the Palestinian minority in Israel with music training at a high level and musical-artistic projects to promote and raise awareness of the separate cultural identity of the Palestinians.
Since 2007, the School of Music has a two floor modern building in Shefa-Amer with 15 classrooms and a large hall. There is also a recording studio and a music library.
Children between 3-8 years receive musical education. Children from 9-13 learn to play an instrument; and there are one hour private lessons per week as well as small groups and ensembles in which music theory is taught. Children of 14-18 years receive 90 minutes of private lessons per week, play in small groups and receive instruction in advanced music theory. If you pass the exam "Bagrut", this qualifies you to take a course of study at a music school.
The School of Music teaches music lessons to around 400 students. All major western and oriental instruments are taught, the most popular being piano, guitar, oud and violin.
The music styles of the groups include classical European music, Arabic and Palestinian music as well as rock, pop and jazz.
In addition, there are three choirs, including a children's choir for children up to 11 years, one for adolescents 12 to 18 years and a choir for oriental music.
The school carries out a pilot project , a scholarship granted to 60 musically-talented Palestinian children from 8-10 years who come from difficult family situations.
Every year in May, a music festival with concerts from the best local musicians and international artists is held. There are a wide mix of genres including classical Western and Arab music, other ethnic music and jazz . The school also tries to promote cultural exchange and dialogue.
Vounteers and Interns should have an academic background and master your subject at a professional-level.
Participants live in the next village, Tamra, and commute by bus to Shefa-Amer.
Info Box
Location: Shefa-Amer/Galilee, Israel
Availability: All year, Start date flexible
Minimum Duration: 1 Month
Maximum Duration: 12 Months
Language Requirements: English
Further Languages Of Advantage: Arabic
Room in apartment with family
Supervision Possible: Yes
Qualification Of Supervisor: Music Teacher
Minimum Qualification Of Intern:
Music degree or equivalent level of knowledge
Further Contribution To Project: None
Volunteering Possible: Yes
Required Qualification For Volunteer: Professional Level
Further Contribution To Project: None
Professional Conduct, Do you have the "right" attitude?

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