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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) - General

On this page, you will find some frequently asked General Questions . Country or site-specific questions ("How do I wash my clothes in Cochabamba?"), you will find in the tab "FAQs" in the respective project descriptions!

How much lead time is needed to join?

This depends on the placement/activity you are interested in.
We can typically make all arrangements at relatively short notice (2 weeks lead time are sufficient). However, particularly for some internships, it may be necessary that we need more time to find a suitable internship. If you are flexible, you can book your program participation with just a few days' lead time.
In some cases, visa processing times need to be considered or vaccinations are recommended, with intervals between vaccinations.
Virtual internships can typically be organized with just a few days' lead time.
In summary: Including all organizational steps, visa matters and any possible vaccination intervals, more than 2 months of lead time are never required (the only exception at the moment is China due to Covid restrictions). If you want to book at short notice, just ask us what we can make possible!

When I send my CV/resume, am I obliged to pay a fee/ confirm a project?

When you send us your CV/resume, we give you options free of charge. It is only when you confirm your project with us that you pay a deposit to secure the position. The rest of the amount can be paid one month ahead of the project.

If I combine two or more programs in the same country or different countries, do I get a discount on the full price for each?

Yes, you do get a discount! Contact us and we will let you know the exact rates.

Can I get internship credit for my studies?

This is typically possible, but it is up to your university to decide this. As part of our services we can write or arrange confirmations about the internship. We can also sign and fill out internship contracts or an internship plan together with the internship supervisor. Most of the organisations have qualified staff which can act as a mentor/supervisor for your internship. We can arrange proof for the qualification of the staff beforehand.

I am American/ Korean/ Colombian/ Indian/ Ukrainian/ Finnish... Can I join the programs of your organisation?

Any human being of this planet can join our programs. There are few nationalities that are restricted to get visas for some of the countries that we offer programs in. We will find this out for you. Costs for visas might differ depending on your nationality.

I am 32 / 35 / 49 / 76 years old. Am I too old to join? How old are most of your participants?

We have participants of all ages! The age distribution varies depending on the program and location. In total, around 60% are in the age range of 18 to 29; 10% under 18; 30% are 30+.

What is the minimum age?

The minimum age for most programs is 16 years. For some programs, the minimum age is 18. This is specified in the infobox of the respective project description. If you are under 18, we need the signature of your legal guardian that he/she agrees to your stay abroad and takes responsibility for your actions while joining our program.
Children under 16 accompanied by their legal guardian can join some of our programs! We can assist you to find a family and child-friendly program for you and let you know child rates.

How and when do I have to pay?

As a rule, a deposit is made during booking and the balance, one month before arrival. The payment options are bank transfer, Paypal or by credit card. We will send you an email with the payment options. In the case of internships and volunteering, you also pay for the accommodation for the first month to us, one month prior to arrival. The rest of the rent, if you stay longer, you usually pay locally in cash.

I want to join with my boyfriend/girlfriend/friend/sibling/colleague etc. Is that possible?

This is possible in most cases. Please inform us about what you want to do and when and we will check this! If you arrive as a group of five or more and will be doing the same program together, you will get a special group rate.

Will I be the only foreigner at my destination or I will have contact with other western volunteers/interns?

At almost all program locations and at any time we have several or many program participants. Even if they are in a different placement than you, you may share accommodation with them, or you can meet them in your spare time. We have Whatsapp groups for participants for all locations for you to link up with other participants. You can also get to know them and exchange contacts in the online preparation sessions.
If on the other hand your idea is to meet as few other foreign travelers as possible, this is also possible. Please let us know and we can organize a program or you where you will be very locally immersed without too much contact to other foreigners! 


Are most your participants German?

No, the exact distribution of nationality depends on the program and location, but less than half of our participants are from the German speaking countries. The majority are from all over the world, mostly USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Scandinavia, other European countries, Japan, Middle East, and also we regularly have individuals from all kind of other countries.

Is it possible to extend an internship/voluntary work once in the host country?

It is possible in case of many of our programs, but not with all. Internships are often already booked by subsequent interns and cannot be extended. Sometimes it is also difficult to extend visas on site. If for certain reasons you cannot determine your duration of stay before you start your journey, please contact us and we will see what the best solution can be.

Can I travel around before/after/during my internship/voluntary work?

For multi-day trips, we recommend that you do this before or after participating in the World Unite! program. During the program participation, it is however also possible, for instance during weekends, to do short excursions. Our participants are often making use of our Whatsapp Groups to connect with each other and to arrange such activities together. In Tanzania/Zanzibar, as a World Unite! Participant, you will receive a 15% discount on safaris, Kilimajaro Climbs, day trips and watersports activities from "Budget Safari Tanzania".

How do I have to apply for my visa?

This depends on the country of your choice, activity and the duration of stay. As part of our services we will provide full information to you about this.

Why are volunteering assignments and many internships unpaid?

The very nature of volunteering consists in getting involved into a certain cause "voluntarily" and without any financial compensation.
Also for internships, there is usually no salary. In developing countries such as Tanzania there are no financial resources for interns. Please have a look at the average incomes in these countries: In Tanzania for example, a professional nurse with many years of work experience only makes around 100 USD per month (70 €). This amount, as part of the overall costs of your stay in Tanzania only plays a minor part, but it is a high amount for many Tanzanian organizations. And if they have the funds, it makes more sense for them (and for the economy and development of the country) to employ a professional from their own country for a longer time, rather than paying foreign short-time interns. In India, income levels are even lower than this. Qualified staff in many parts of India has an average income of 50 USD per month.
Payment is available for Working Holiday Jobs and some Internships in China and Japan. A few paid (low paying) internships with companies (e.g. tour operators, hotels) are available in other countries (e.g. India, Tanzania, Ireland), where often non-monetary benefits such as free accommodation and/or meals are provided to interns.

I want to emigrate. Can you arrange a paid job for me?

Please look at the remunerated placements within the "Working Holiday" category.
Also some internships are paid, especially in China and Japan, but also in India and Tanzania. An internship is often a good starting point. You can use the contacts and show your capabilities to employers and thereby possibly find a permanent job in your destination country. We have had many participants, where this has worked.

What happens if I have problems at my internship company? Can I change the internship company?

Should you have problems, please let us know and we would first try to mediate between the internship company and you to clarify any misunderstandings which often have cultural reasons. Should it turn out not to be possible to solve, then we try to organize an alternative placement n the same country for you. We have our local coordinators to help you with this.

Can I do my BA/MA/PhD dissertation/thesis paper with a project that you offer?

This is possible; please refer to our category "Academics> Theses Abroad". If you spot an internship or volunteer work listing of a subject/topic that is of interest to you for your dissertation/thesis paper research, please let us know and we will check if it can be arranged.

Will a child allowance be paid by my government if I do an internship with World Unite!?

Please check the regulations concerning child allowance in your country of residence. We can issue confirmations about your activity.

Can you send me your catalogue or brochure?

We see extensive printed material for promotional or information purposes as out of date in today's digital world. You can find all information on our website, which we are constantly updating. This not only saves costs, which enables us to offer cheaper program prices, but is also more environmentally friendly. If you have any further questions, we will be happy to answer them.

I would like to support a non-profit project other than through being a volunteer. Can you help?

Kindly contact us and share with us your ideas. We are happy to assist. Our logistic support in such case is of course, completely free of charge.

I have many old clothes. Can I send them to Africa and you give them to a social project?

In general, the costs for international shipments are totally out of proportion to the value of the clothes; thus, who benefits the most from this are courier companies. It makes sense instead, to donate the clothes to a social project in your country of residence, and donate the amount that the shipping would have cost as a monetary contribution to the social organisation abroad. If you want, we can also buy for instance new clothes or other items required on site for that project. This would also support the local economy, for example, tailors, who would make thse clothes.

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Auslandspraktika Internships Abroad

A wide selection of internships in many countries.

Volunteering Volunteering

Charitable placements worldwide.

World Learner World Learner

Learn your host country's knowledge.

Aktivreisen Active Travel

Your alternative holidays.

Academix Academix

Dissertations, intercultural learning.

Work&Travel Working Holiday

Working Holiday in Japan, China and Germany

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