  • Please select what you would like to do, where and for how long!

  • Au Pair in Ireland (Short-time possible!)

    Au Pair in Ireland

    Childcare in Ireland: Live on a farm and support an Irish family as an au pair!

    Would you like to spend some time in an
  • Au Pair and Child Care in Beijing and Shanghai

    Praktikum, Vergütet
    Either you live with a Chinese host family as an Au Pair, taking care of the family's children and teaching them English OR you stay at the university's student hall of residence,
  • Job orientation internship in Tanzania

    Not sure what you're really interested in and want to try out different professional fields? This is possible with our "Job Orientation Internship" program!
    In Moshi Town in
  • CIMAC - Environmental Education and Park in Leon

    Internship and Volunteering Possible
    CIMAC (Centro de Iniciativa Medio Ambiental de la Ciudad) is a municipal centre with an attractive educational park, offering environmental education within the centre and as part of
  • Community Work in Rural Bolivia

    In the communities of Mallasa and Jupapina, not far from La Paz, Bolivia, former English volunteer Emma and her Bolivian husband Rolando develop projects and support existing initiatives that contribute to the
  • Community Kindergarten "Los Ositos"

    Los Ositos ("The little bears") community kindergarten, which is located in a suburb of the Nicaraguan city of León, provides pre-school education and daycare support to children aged 0 to 6
  • Don Bosco Centers for Street Children in Kerala

    Internship and Volunteering Possible
    The Don Bosco Centres in Cochin/Kerala, South India, operate several programs for socially disadvantaged children and youth living on the street or coming from broken families, trying to
  • Facilities for Special Needs Children in Cochin

    Internship and Volunteering Possible
    We arrange internships and volunteering in special education, occupational therapy and nursing at a centre for special needs children, youth and
  • Social work with children in Moshi Town

    Internship, Volunteering, Remote Internship possible!
    In Moshi, a town on the foothills of Kilimanjaro we work with a number of facilities that support children. These children have for various reasons, less privileged
  • English Medium Schools and Kindergarten in Navi Mumbai

    Internship and Volunteering Possible
    We arrange volunteering and internship placements at two English medium schools in Navi Mumbai that have kindergarten, primary and secondary sections
  • Primary and Secondary Schools in Tamra

    Internship, Volunteering, Remote Internship possible
    In the northern of Israel town of Tamra, we organise volunteering and internships in various educational institutions. This includes primary schools, secondary schools
  • Primary Schools and kindergartens at a township in Port Elizabeth

    Praktikum und Volunteering
    In townships there is still today a lack of educational opportunities. Additionally, many children don't even attend the existing schools regularly, often because they lack family
  • Las Tias Daycare Center for Children from Difficult Backgrounds

    Internship and Volunteering Possible
    Las Tias is a day center for children from unstable family situations. The center's main objective is to ensure that children complete their formal education. This project is
  • Children of the Landfill

    Internship and Volunteering Possible
    The project aims to contribute to the social, educational and family reintegration of children and adolescents living and working in difficult conditions on the streets, or around the
  • Childcare and education in Tokyo

    Remunerated internship, online internship
    You want to work with children in Japan? You can do an internship or a volunteer placement with children at a "gakudo", which is an
  • Teaching Underprivileged Children in Rajasthan

    Internship and Volunteering Possible
    Girls from poorer families often do not go to school in Rajasthan. The empowerment centers of a non-profit trust offer them opportunities for an education in the poorest
  • Kindergarten in Moshi

    Praktikum und Volunteering möglich
    You would like to educate children at a kindergarten in Tanzania? We can arrange volunteer placements and internships at various
  • Kindergarten in Tamra

    Praktikum und Volunteering möglich
    Internships and volunteering are possible in Al-Razi Kindergarten, Tamra.The kindergarten is located behind the primary school of the same name, where the children who attend Al-Razi
  • Kindergarten in Tangier

    Internships and Volunteering Possible
    Le Manege is a private French-language kindergarten of high standards in Tangier. The opprotunity here is intended primarily for interns in the field of education, for children aged 3 months
  • Kindergartens and Primary Schools in Zanzibar Town

    Internship and Volunteering possible
    You are motivated and enjoy dedicating your time to children? In Zanzibar, you have the opportunity to volunteer at primary schools and kindergartens!

Our Partners

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Auslandspraktika Internships Abroad

A wide selection of internships in many countries.

Volunteering Volunteering

Charitable placements worldwide.

World Learner World Learner

Learn your host country's knowledge.

Aktivreisen Active Travel

Your alternative holidays.

Academix Academix

Dissertations, intercultural learning.

Work&Travel Working Holiday

Working Holiday in Japan, China and Germany

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